View Full Version : Unconfirmed IP

31-12-15, 02:40
Hi guys,
Ive had my duo for about 2 years now and its been running fine without any major issues, until today....

I cant view my subscription channels so my 1st port of call was to do a Network test which failed on the unconfirmed IP and Nameserver.
Ive had this happen to me before a few times over the past few years and all i have done in the past is turned the Router and Duo off for about 10mins, re-booted and everything has been fine, but not today!!

I have my duo connected through powerline adapters (500's) Ive checked my Router and through the ethernet port it shows the powerline but does not show the Duo.

I'm thinking for some reason the Duo is not generating an IP, is this possible? I'm a bit of a newb when it comes to Network connections so any advise would be greatly appreciated.

Ive seen a few posts on similar issues and re-flash is always suggested and people are still having the issue, i will do this but just hoping someone has been through this and managed to sort it without a re-flash.


31-12-15, 02:47
I cant view my subscription channels so my 1st port of call was to do a Network test which failed on the unconfirmed IP and Nameserver.
Ive had this happen to me before a few times over the past few years and all i have done in the past is turned the Router and Duo off for about 10mins, re-booted and everything has been fine, but not today!!

What channels do you sub to that need a network connection?

31-12-15, 02:54
The question is about the IP/network not the channels.

31-12-15, 03:32
What channels do you sub to that need a network connection?

The question is about the IP/network not the channels.

I cant view my subscription channels

31-12-15, 03:37
The question is about the IP/network not the channels.

On a crappy clone box? http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?49208-Unable-to-record-and-watch-another-program-at-same-time&p=387081&viewfull=1#post387081

31-12-15, 09:34
Best to try a long Ethernet cable from duo direct to router. That way you'll rule out the power line adaptors as a potential cause. What image is the duo using ?

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

31-12-15, 12:49
Thank you mrmad1966 a decent reply and some help finally !!
Judge, its not a crappy clone, as I say in my post I've had it for 2 years without issue and in this time I've had several vix image upgrades.
A forum is for sharing info and helping each other, you want to try it sometime Judge!!

31-12-15, 12:52
Vix image is Apollo 166 installed Oct 2015 from Apollo 008
Thanks for your help on this its much appreciated

31-12-15, 13:03
I've checked my Ethernet cable into my duo and there is a solid green light, but no flash on the other led. Does this mean the cable is fine but there is no data, hence no flashing led?

31-12-15, 13:52
If you update to the very latest image you should be fine.

31-12-15, 14:51
Stanman is correct, really depends on reinstall time vs troubleshooting time that's a personal choice. If you want to continue to try and troubleshoot I would firstly connect the cable from router to your laptop, then make sure you turn off wireless switch on laptop, restart laptop and ensure you have internet access. That would mean router is giving out DHCP addresses fine and cable is OK. Narrowing it then down to the Duo..

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

31-12-15, 15:18
OK thanks stanman I'll give it go and update once done. Hopefully this thread can help others with this same issue.
Thanks again :thumbsup:

31-12-15, 15:24
Yes I've tested my cables from my powerlines into my laptop and it does connect to the net. My thoughts are the issue is from the duo end. I'm hoping a reflash will do if not then I don't have a Scooby doo, guess its a new box :(
Thanks for the advice tho, much appreciated.
Nothing worse when your box goes down!! Well maybe toothache !!

31-12-15, 15:26
Judge, its not a crappy clone, as I say in my post I've had it for 2 years without issue and in this time I've had several vix image upgrades.
A forum is for sharing info and helping each other, you want to try it sometime Judge!!

My bad. You mention using a zgemma box in another thread.

31-12-15, 15:49
Yes I've tested my cables from my powerlines into my laptop and it does connect to the net. My thoughts are the issue is from the duo end. I'm hoping a reflash will do if not then I don't have a Scooby doo, guess its a new box :(
Thanks for the advice tho, much appreciated.
Nothing worse when your box goes down!! Well maybe toothache !!
I think your right, reflash best option, my build of 166 only lasted a month or two before I encountered issues. A reflash sorted everything out. Good luck

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

01-01-16, 11:07
Having a nightmare. Downloaded the latest vix image to a brand new 64gb sandisk (formatted fat32) and my duo won't recognise the pen either in the front or back USB ports. I've also tried some cheap sticks and its having non of it. I also put a new boot loader on the Sandisk (reformatted again) and still just boots as normal. Also tried a backup of my current image to see if it had a bug, but my original issue (unconfirmed IP) is still the same. I'm at a bit of a loss now if I can't get to flash the box as its never happened to me when I've flashed it in the past before.
Anyone got any ideas??

01-01-16, 11:10
Use a max 8GB USB stick, format fat32 using HP Tool http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?45-HP-USB-Stick-Drive-Format-Tool

Use a REAR USB port.

If all your sticks fail, buy a genuine max 8GB Kingston stick.

01-01-16, 12:51
Brilliant will give it a go.

02-01-16, 01:07
Hi guys heres my update.
Firstly massive thanks to all who took the time to post all there helpful info.:thumbsup::thumbsup:

Ok so managed to flash the box, i used the 64gb sandisk but formatted it using the HP link above (Thanks Sicilian) which worked a treat.
Set everything back up as i had it before, skin,ccam,epg etc,etc but still no Network again, IPunconfirmed (The box was inches from going through the window at this point) So decided its got to be the powerline adapters or the ethernet cables to the adapters!
I checked each cable again by plugging it straight into my router and into my laptop to see if i had a internet through the ethernet cables, which i did on each cable. So through process of ilimination im at the powerline adapers, which are ZyXEL PLA4201 v2 which i have x 3. (worth mentioning i have had these adapters 18 months and never had an issue)
I went to the manufacturers website http://www.zyxel.com/euosearch/dl-search.aspx?mci_country=uk&mci_lang=en&keyword=pla4201+v2&submit=Search
and downloaded there configuration utility program and instructions. To cut a long storey short, i needed to configure my adapters which was really easy to do and im no network wizz and now everything is working as it should. :):):):):):):):):):)

So if anyone has these adapters and did what i did, just took them out the box and plugged them in the wall, then you may have the same issue as i did at some point, so hopefully this thread will save you days of fault finding and take you straight to the issue of fixing an unconfirmed IP in your network test.

02-01-16, 11:30
Glad you're sorted... Always keep a long serviceable network cable handy.. ;-) Happy New Year

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

02-01-16, 14:35
Yep good advice. All the best to you as well mrmad1966 :thumbsup: