View Full Version : Is older remote better?

28-12-15, 16:24
Ive had my VU+ DUO2 for about 2 months. The box is great but I dont like the remote, Ive uploaded pictures of 2 VU+ remotes and my one is "VU Remote2" with the silver buttons in the middle. It doesnt seem very responsive. I find that when I press a button it clicks down but nothing happens until I press a bit harder beyond the click. Does "VU Remote1" respond better?, Does it have the click type buttons? And will it work with my Duo2?


28-12-15, 17:09
I prefer the older remote off my soloČ. The newer remote on DuoČ i have to press really hard on down button on the direction arrows around OK or it won't work.
Its the only button thats bad.
I must have had my soloČ 12 months longer than duoČ(however long it took duoČ to come out seemed longer than 12 months after soloČ) but the remote is still good

28-12-15, 19:36
Well I have 2 with the silver buttons, the one that came with my duo2 is awful and has the same problems op described, I have another that I ordered from wos for my solo2 and that is brilliant and has no probs whatsoever.
I personally don't like the button layout of the original solo2 remote.

28-12-15, 19:43
I agree. My VU+duo2 remote is getting to the point of me throwing it out of the window. Its only a few months old yet Ive got all the problems described above. Does the remote come under warranty?

28-12-15, 20:03
Does the remote come under warranty?
sure, it does.

28-12-15, 22:45
Thanks lads. Think Ill go for the older style remote.

28-12-15, 22:57
Same problems here with the new remote on my duo2 after one year in use. The old remote from my duo1 was after 4 years heavy use very sensible.
But now i use a "Harmony 650" , this remote have nice sensible button, a big signal range and i can use one remote for all my TV and Hifi equipment.

29-12-15, 09:19
I personally don't like the button layout of the original solo2 remote.

Me too but it works better. i keep stealing the soloČ remote off other half she hates the duoČ remote

29-12-15, 12:15
i had the same problem with the silver ring sticking on my Duo2 remote so i changed to the Solo2 remote, one thing to remember is that you have to change the remotes code to 3 but then if you do a Vix image update your Solo2 remote wont work and you will have to use the Duo2's remote to set up the image then change the remote code again
I got round this by using a Harmony 650 when updating the image then i can just revert back to the Solo2 remote after i have installed my saved backup

29-12-15, 13:01
Can i just change the remote code in the remote to suit the duo2 and leave the duo2 settings alone? Is it possible to use the two remote types with the duo2? I was hoping to use the old style remote for the main tv and use the problem remote in the kitchen or bedroom.


29-12-15, 14:30
Both Solo2 and Duo2 use code 2.

Rob van der Does
29-12-15, 14:54
i had the same problem with the silver ring sticking on my Duo2 remote so i changed to the Solo2 remote, one thing to remember is that you have to change the remotes code to 3 but then if you do a Vix image update your Solo2 remote wont work and you will have to use the Duo2's remote to set up the image then change the remote code again
I got round this by using a Harmony 650 when updating the image then i can just revert back to the Solo2 remote after i have installed my saved backup
Nonsense. No need to use code-3 and an update will not change anything at all.
And if you have a Harmony: why on earth use the VU-RC?

Can i just change the remote code in the remote to suit the duo2 and leave the duo2 settings alone? Is it possible to use the two remote types with the duo2? I was hoping to use the old style remote for the main tv and use the problem remote in the kitchen or bedroom.

Both Solo2 and Duo2 use code 2.
by default, so the RC has code 2 by default as well.

29-12-15, 15:15
just because i have a Harmony dose not say that i like it

and i thought it was code 3 my mistake it is code 2

and there is no reason to be so abrupt with your reply Merry Christmas to you as well

07-01-16, 01:25
Hi I have a Duo and a Duo2 and yes the original Duo the R/C is miles better than the one supplied with the Duo2. On the Duo2 you have to click and click its horrible not like the Duo

I`ve tried to see if the original Duo RC will work the Duo2 but it will not. the picture of the one for sale at WOS http://www.world-of-satellite.co.uk/VU-Duo-Duo2-Duo-2-Solo-Uno-Ultimo-Genuine-Universal-Remote-Control?filter_name=remote%20control

Which says Genuine VU+ Duo / Duo2 / Solo / Uno / Ultimo but it looks the same as my original Duo?? are you saying this R/C above on the web site will work on my Duo2??

If so I will buy one. In fact I will buy 2 keep another as spare/backup

07-01-16, 10:05
the older model remote off soloČ works on my DuoČ

09-01-16, 22:21
I bought 2 of these remotes and they work great on a Duo2 without doing anything. Why did VU+ put a horrrible r/c with a great machine, it lets the Sat` box down. Ive put the original Duo2 r/c away and Im using one of these replacement remotes. I`ve got the 2nd as a back up spare for my Duo2 or my Duo.

If you have a Duo2 and have one of the remotes wth silver buttons ditch it and get one of these.:thumbsup:

10-01-16, 03:10
Yeah the one supplied with my duo2 is rubbish too. I use the solo2 remote for it now and just use the Android app for the solo2

Sent from my HTC One M8 using Tapatalk

10-01-16, 10:32
As i said before the one supplied with my duo2 was faulty, the down, left right and ok buttons where awful, i bought one to use with my solo2 from the sponsor which has been brilliant, i have just bought another from the sponsor and that is brilliant also, the replacement ones just feel better.
Beware of fakes.

10-01-16, 14:38
Is it only me who much prefers the Duo2 remote?

10-01-16, 14:56
Is it only me who much prefers the Duo2 remote?

its looks like it ;) My wife was going nuts using the supplied r/c with the Duo2. Why the heck it was ever supplied with the Duo2 when they have better ones that work great. All its done for me is make me spend more money when I did not have to (I ony bought my Duo2 about 3-4 months ago as well)

10-01-16, 15:05
its looks like it ;) My wife was going nuts using the supplied r/c with the Duo2. Why the heck it was ever supplied with the Duo2 when they have better ones that work great. All its done for me is make me spend more money when I did not have to (I ony bought my Duo2 about 3-4 months ago as well)
The most used button for me is the tv one. Who thought it was a good idea on the solo2 remote to place it at the extreme bottom left?!?

10-01-16, 15:48
Is it only me who much prefers the Duo2 remote?

Err no, me as well ,that's what it says in my posts, that's why I keep buying them lol.