View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] MUTE icon - positioning

24-12-15, 12:51
The MUTE icon is a rather large object in the Blue-HD skin I habitually use and masks the top item(s) in any GUI menu. I am well aware that I can move the GUI position around - but of course the MUTE icon moves within that screen. I'm not a coder, so haven't been able to identify where that icon position is set, but would be interested to know if:

A. It is possible for the position of the MUTE icon itself to be made user-customisable.

B. Someone can point me to where in the installed image the MUTE icon position is set (though I suspect it will be a hard-wired setting when the image boots?)

Wish I knew what I was doing - would play an awful lot more with customising!

31-12-15, 11:26
Bump! Having had zero response from the community, I decided to experiment myself! Those who are 'skinners' (what a great term!) will no doubt have laughed and scoffed at my original question about moving the MUTE icon in the Blue-HD skin, but for those who have never played at altering a skin (like myself until this morning) here is what I have done, achieving what I wanted very quickly:

1. The position of the MUTE icon in the Blue-HD skin is set in /usr/share/enigma2/Blue-HD/skin_Blue-HD.xml

2. Line 828 (probably slightly different in anything other than v3.1 Blue-HD) sets the screen position of the icon

3. I altered the 'position' values from the default "92,40" (I have an old 720p HDTV on this particular box) to 1200ish,10 - this sticks the MUTE icon up in the top-right-hand corner of my screen and stops it masking the top of some of the GUI boxes, which I found occasionally mildly irritating!

Moral of the story is - experiment! It is considerably more rewarding to mess around and find a solution oneself rather than blindly install files or follow a set of instructions figured out by someone else!

I'm heading over to the Skinning part of the forum now - although I'm somewhat 'long in the tooth', I enjoy messing around with things I don't understand - as a long-retired engineer, it's still compulsory behaviour!