View Full Version : DCP - A Remote Proxy Server

27-12-10, 13:40

The attached tarball provides a python server which attempts to normalise access to various enigma1 and enigma2 based satellite receivers (and other remote devices and applications).

To run it, you will need python 2.5 or 2.6, will the following modules installed:


And optionally, if you wish to make use of the ps3mediaserver features it provides:


Once you have those, unpack the tarball attached and from the dcp/src directory, run:

python dcpstart

This should provide you with a shell environment for local testing and configuration. Using:


Should provide you with a basic list of commands associated to device location and selection.

It should automatically find your enigma device(s) - if there is security turned on, you will get a dialog prompting for the user/password and these are cached so you shouldn't need to do this more than once.

To check what it's found, run this at the prompt:


The 'base' device is really the server itself, but any enigma devices found should be listed as 'dbox[N]'. Once found, run:

select dbox

and you should get a list of commands associated to the device.

In another shell, you can run dcpui which is a rather crappy (and ultimately deprecated) approach at providing a gui menu to control things. This will get replaced soon, but for now, it'll serve as quick demo.

I will follow up this posting with additional information on how to:

* use ps3mediaserver to allow access to your tuner from a ps3, xbox360, xbmc and probably other dnla clients

* set up a remote control on an Android phone.

Will see if anyone manages to get the server/shell environment working first though :). For linux platforms, it should be straightforward - unsure how best to advise Windows users on the installation of the dependencies though...