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View Full Version : [MB Premium Twin HD] Logic problem in trimming power timer log entries

20-12-15, 23:42
I have two repeating power timer (-> Standby, repeats every 1 (or 2?) hours; -> Deep Standby if in Standby, repeats every 30 mins).
I've been wondering why the log entries for this never get removed.

It turns out that entries only get removed once the timer has finished. Whereas this makes sense for recording timers (although I think these can be set to repeat as well, I suspect they are more likely to be set as individual timers via auto timers - could be wrong, though).
My timers will never finish, so the pm_timers.xml file will just continue to grow (and take up more memory to store it each time it is read in...)

22-12-15, 05:57
I seem to have a fix...will post later.

23-12-15, 03:15
The code to trim old log items from repeating timers is at:


under the PruneTimerLogs heading.