View Full Version : [ABM-DVB-S/S2] ABM Blind Scan?

13-12-15, 10:16
Hello, on one of my setups i have a Sundtek USB S2 tuner, it tunes all the channels on 28.2 correctly and works well, but if my reciever chooses that Tuner to use during ABM it often fails or only scans in half the channels, the errors in the log are usually like so:
The log in ABM shows errors such as:
[DvbScanner] Timed out reading BAT
[DvbScanner] Read 0 services with bouquet_id = 0x1005
[DvbScanner] Timed out reading SDT
[DvbScanner] Cannot fetch SDT for the following transport_stream_id list: [2046,2069,2006,2025.2026,2089,2107]

Markus at sundtek says it is because VIX doesn't have blind scan support for the S2 tuner and he has tried to get OE to impliment it in the past?
I didn't think ABM used blind scan, is he right or is something else wrong?

13-12-15, 10:30
ABM doesn't used blindscan, iirc ABM uses dvb tables from the providers.

13-12-15, 11:17
Which is what i thought...

13-12-15, 12:31
We do have s2 blindscan. Works on lots of boxes. Solo2, Duo2, Ultimo, Uno, Solo SE, ET9X00, etc.

ABM uses a "home" transponder for each provider and reads all the necessary data from the SI tables on that transponder. No blind scan involved.