View Full Version : ABM crashing

12-12-15, 14:23
I am having trouble with ABM not updating
the box crashes when i try to do it manually also
crash log attached if anyone can help
Thanks in advance

abu baniaz
12-12-15, 14:40
AB 28.2 and ABM are different plugins. I'll move your post later.

Try the following please: Navigate to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/AutoBouquetsMaker/providers
Delete the file providers.cache

Are you using any customised xml files?

12-12-15, 15:34
AB 28.2 and ABM are different plugins. I'll move your post later.

Try the following please: Navigate to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/AutoBouquetsMaker/providers
Delete the file providers.cache

Are you using any customised xml files?

Thanks for the reply - No i am not using customised xml file, have deleted file not did the abm scan and got error message ' can't connect to remote host then it goes off like the scan hasn't worked

abu baniaz
12-12-15, 15:46
Can you upload the debug log please? You have the crash log only.


12-12-15, 16:29
As requested file attached

abu baniaz
12-12-15, 16:46
Sorry, should have said, make sure you run ABM so that log has details for it.


12-12-15, 17:23
just ran the abm and crashed again

abu baniaz
12-12-15, 17:35
There are two differnt plugins. One is AutoBouquetsMaker by the OE-Alliance and the other is AutoBouquets E2 by LraiZer.

Your first post was about ABM in the AB 28.2 thread. You had a crash log for ABM.
I moved post to it's own thread.
You were then asked to attach a debug log for ABM.
You attached a debug log which was just you starting the receiver, not running ABM.
I apologised for not making it clear that you need to run ABM and attach the debug log. I asked you to run ABM and then attach the debug log. This shows what is going on and helps reveal the problem.

You have now attached a crash log for AB 28.2. That crash is normal if you do not restart after installing AB 28.2.

What would you like help with? They are two different plugins.

If ABM, please attach the debug log after you run ABM.
If AB 28.2, please attach a screenshot of your settings page.

12-12-15, 17:37
can you point me in the right direction for the screenshot's - I have forgotten how to do them

abu baniaz
12-12-15, 17:38
Navy link in my signature. However, AB 28.2 should work once you set your region.

12-12-15, 17:48
it won't connect - This web page is not available

I have checked the network address and it is correct, have double checked your links in your signature

abu baniaz
12-12-15, 17:53
What do you want to deal with? AutoBouquets 28.2 (AB 28.2) or AutoBouqetsMaker (ABM)?

12-12-15, 17:58
I want to deal with ABM plz

12-12-15, 18:20
I have sorted it now, i have removed the auto bouquests 28.2e, uninstalled the ABM then re-installed and re-scanned - now have 'channel bike showing up which i didn't have before so it has worked.
thanks for the help and support

abu baniaz
12-12-15, 18:20
Uninstall AutoBouquetsMaker
Menu > Plugins > Red (Remove Plugins) > systemplugins > autobouquetsmaker (some numbers displayed)

Make sure the the following folder has been deleted. If it has not been, please delete it.

Restart receiver. Re-install ABM,
Menu > Plugins > Green (Download Plugins) > systemplugins > autobouquetsmaker (some numbers displayed)

Set it up and run it again. If it fails, upload debug logs please.

Please do not go near AutoBouquets 28,2 until we resolve this issue.