View Full Version : [VU+ Solo SE] Not booting after flash

12-12-15, 01:57

I received my new Vu+ Solo SE v2 today with the stock firmware from World of Satellite. I have tried to flash it multiple times with Openvix-3.2.027 but after rebooting after flashing the box hangs on the "VU+ Your Smart Linux TV Player" screen, I have flashed it back to stock vuplus-image-vusolose-20151208181334_usb.zip and all seems ok then tried 3.2.027 again but same again. Is there anything i can do to get Openvix onto it?
I have also tried flashing without network cable in as mentioned in another post but still same

I have tried below with same issue:


12-12-15, 08:21
Use a REAR USB port.
Use a MAX 8GB USB stick.
Format USB stick FAT32 using this tool http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?45-HP-USB-Stick-Drive-Format-Tool
Remove ALL other USB devices.

Wait for the left LED to start blinking fast.

Ensure you extract the ZIP file and copy the complete 'vuplus' folder to root of USB stick.

12-12-15, 11:09
Hi Sicilian, that is how i have flashed it every time.

12-12-15, 15:33
Try a different stick, pref genuine Kingston.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-12-15, 21:37
I have tried 5 different sticks still the same with all off them I can reflash the stock VU+ image from http://code.vuplus.com and works on all of them?
I have also used the same sticks to successfully flash my VU+ Duo2 and Technomate nano and also a couple of Miracle Box without any problems?
Must of imaged this box 100 times now :p :confused:

abu baniaz
13-12-15, 13:06
Please wait for build version 30

13-12-15, 15:34
OK no problem, do you know when that is likely to be??

Thanks Jason

abu baniaz
13-12-15, 15:37
It is being built at the moment. Provided there are no issues, should be tomorrow.

Apparently, there are two versions of the receiver.

14-12-15, 22:43
Installed the new Version 30 Build and all is working fine now.

Thanks for you support guys.