View Full Version : Some info required, please?

Cosmic Truth
10-12-15, 08:50
Which of these two VU+ receivers is the best?

The VU+= Duo, http://www.world-of-satellite.co.uk/Digital-Satellite-Receivers/Vu/Vu-DUO-Twin-Tuner-HD-PVR-DVB-S2-Satellite-Receiver

Or this VU+ Solo 2, http://www.world-of-satellite.co.uk/Digital-Satellite-Receivers/Vu/VU-Solo-2-Solo2-Twin-Tuner-DVB-S2-HD-Enigma2-Linux-Satellite-Receiver

I'm off to work now, I'll try and look in later on at work. Thanks in advance.

10-12-15, 09:02
duo is the older "weaker" one.
so, to me it's definitely the solo2.

john doe
10-12-15, 09:03
solo 2 the best box I've owned, easy to use, never lets you down, brill

Cosmic Truth
10-12-15, 14:26
duo is the older "weaker" one.
so, to me it's definitely the solo2.

Thanks for the reply

I realise the Solo is the newer receiver but how is it weaker? I don't know much about these things.

Which receiver has the best processor, and most ram? I don't know enough to know which processor is the best, and I couldn't see how much ram the Duo has.

I don't have any interest in things like picture in , picture, just purely performance

10-12-15, 14:32
Which receiver has the best processor, and most ram?
yes, those are criteria.
look here: http://vuplus.com/sub/sub0108.php
the table at the bottom shows the data of all vus.

Cosmic Truth
10-12-15, 15:52
yes, those are criteria.
look here: http://vuplus.com/sub/sub0108.php
the table at the bottom shows the data of all vus.

Thanks again mate. ,:thumbsup:

I've heard VU+ receivers can be used for IPTV. Can either, or both, receivers be used for this? It's not something I'm planning on doing just now but it's good to have the option.

P.S. I take it I can use either receiver in a motorised set up?

10-12-15, 16:36
yes, both can do motorised dishes... not sure about iptv on the duo, the solo2 can.
again: the duo is a last generation box with little memory and flash... so i wouldn't even consider buying such a box today.
i had a duo years ago... and it became too slow for new applications like hbbtv, etc.

Cosmic Truth
10-12-15, 20:00
yes, both can do motorised dishes... not sure about iptv on the duo, the solo2 can.
again: the duo is a last generation box with little memory and flash... so i wouldn't even consider buying such a box today.
i had a duo years ago... and it became too slow for new applications like hbbtv, etc.

Thanks for the info mate. You've been a big help. I was going to get the Duo, but now I'm going to go for the Solo 2. :thumbsup:

Cosmic Truth
10-12-15, 22:31
yes, both can do motorised dishes... not sure about iptv on the duo, the solo2 can.
again: the duo is a last generation box with little memory and flash... so i wouldn't even consider buying such a box today.
i had a duo years ago... and it became too slow for new applications like hbbtv, etc.

I didn't realise the VU+ DUO 2 had been out for a while. I saw WOS saying you can pre-order for shipping in January, so I assumed it was a new receiver just out.

I notice both receivers have the same processor, but the VU+DUO has twice the amount of RAM as the VU+ SOLO 2. Do you think it's worth spending the extra £79 for the extra gig of RAM?

10-12-15, 23:07
also the vu duo 2 has swapable tuners as the solo2 only has twin sat tuners,very nice bit of kit if you can get it.

Cosmic Truth
10-12-15, 23:46
also the vu duo 2 has swapable tuners as the solo2 only has twin sat tuners,very nice bit of kit if you can get it.

Does this mean if in future you wanted a cable receiver, you could put cable tuners in the Duo 2?

11-12-15, 00:13
it sure does and not having to buy a new receiver you buy tuners for your needs.:thumbsup:

11-12-15, 00:55
The Duo2 is a great machine i have both Duo`s the original Duo and the one after the Duo2. The Duo2 is a couple of years old now but is still a great machine

11-12-15, 10:23
i had a duo, then a solo2, now a duo2. replaced the solo2 because of the limitation to 2 tuners. my duo2 now has 4. from a performance perspective there is not much difference between the 2.
differences: duo2 has an integrated power supply, bigger chasssis, nice lcd display, and can house 3,5 inch disks. disadvantage: the new remote control wears out quickly. had to replace it after one year... got a solo2 remote control.
so, if money is not an issue i'd go for the duo2.

Cosmic Truth
11-12-15, 10:46
i had a duo, then a solo2, now a duo2. replaced the solo2 because of the limitation to 2 tuners. my duo2 now has 4. from a performance perspective there is not much difference between the 2.
differences: duo2 has an integrated power supply, bigger chasssis, nice lcd display, and can house 3,5 inch disks. disadvantage: the new remote control wears out quickly. had to replace it after one year... got a solo2 remote control.
so, if money is not an issue i'd go for the duo2.

Thanks again for the info.

Money is not an issue, though I don't care about LTD displays, or the size of the unit. I only really care about the performance of the unit.

I noticed the Duo 2 has more RAM. If this meant performed better, or would,last longer, I would be quite happy to pay the extra for the Duo 2, but if it's an extra £80 or so, for a bigger until, with a better display, and an integrated plug, I think I'd rather save the money. After all, I am Scottish! :D

11-12-15, 11:31
more ram theoretically means better performance. it all depends on the apps.
for regular usage i couldn't say the duo2 feels faster than the solo2.

Cosmic Truth
11-12-15, 12:04
more ram theoretically means better performance. it all depends on the apps.
for regular usage i couldn't say the duo2 feels faster than the solo2.

Another thing in the Solo 2's favour is they have them in stock in WOS, but the Duo 2 won't be in until January.

11-12-15, 14:46
You won't go wrong with a Vu+ Solo2 receiver. A fantastic box and a gorgeous remote to go with it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Cosmic Truth
11-12-15, 16:13
You won't go wrong with a Vu+ Solo2 receiver. A fantastic box and a gorgeous remote to go with it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Hi Andy. :thumbsup:

I had finally decided to go for the Duo 2. I phoned WOS and asked about it, but they won't get more in until late January, so I ordered the Solo 2 with a 1tb hard drive installed.

I'm looking forward to getting it, and trying it out.

Thanks for the reply mate.

11-12-15, 22:11
Yes the solo2 will serve you well. If you need cable in the future you can always add a usb tuner.

Cosmic Truth
11-12-15, 23:09
Yes the solo2 will serve you well. If you need cable in the future you can always add a usb tuner.

Cheers mate.