View Full Version : [ABM-MISC] Much ABM Confusion

07-12-15, 16:58
Sorry if the following may be a stupid question but I've been looking at using ABM with my DVB-S and DVB-C box to generate a custom bouquet which has a mix of channels from both providers.

I understand the customLCN and how I can modify it to produce a list of channels in the order that I want. I also understand favorites in that I can create a customised favorites list but to date I've never used a favorites list so what I'm after is a bouquet for example with bouquets like:



within each bouquet I'd like to customise and mix and match entries from both the sat and cable LCN. I'd also like to create markers within some of the bouquets but I can't see or I can't understand how to do this. So for example the customLCN xml files just have a list of channels but no mention of actual bouquet names or any markers.

So help, pretty please. I think I've read the readme.txt file around half a dozen times now so maybe it's just too complicated for me :)

Sorry if this question has been asked before but I tried doing a search for marker and seperator but didn't really find any answers and on the custom bouquet I didn't even know what to search for.

EDIT: Just to prove I am or am not a complete idiot :) I think I've found the missing link, the providers.xml file is where the sections are created, so are we allowed to edit this file or do I place a customised version of the providers.xml in the custom folder? Or can I just copy the sections bit into the example customLCN in the custom folder? If I edit the main providers.xml what happens with updates?

07-12-15, 18:19
Don't edit the provider file.

Use CustomMix.xml or Favorites.xml.

You can add and remove sections using the CustomMix.xml and Favorites.xml files.

Instructions are in the readme file.

07-12-15, 18:33
Just in case it helps these posts also contains lots of useful help and attached files which helped me personally http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?46795-28-2e-HD-and-cable-mix&highlight=custom+bouquet and http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?47147-NEW-Cable-and-28-2-Mix&highlight=custom+bouquet