View Full Version : Oscam sky card

06-12-15, 14:44
I have OSCAM setup for my SKY card and it decrypts some of my channels but not all of my paid for channels, all of the Documentary channels are OK as are the childrens channels but my Sports and Movies do not clear?

Anyone able to help me out please.

Below are the settings I currently have:-


label = SKYUK
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci1
cardmhz = 2700
mhz = 450
blockemm-g = 1
blockemm-unknown = 1
saveemm-u = 1
saveemm-s = 1
emmcache = 1,3,2
group = 1
caid = 0963

enabled =1
boxtype = dreambox
user = localuser
au = UKcard

user = dvbuser1
#pwd = dreambox
group = 1
au = 1
caid = 0963
cccmaxhops = -1
cccreshare = 1


user = dvbapiau
pwd = *******
description = for local mgcamd or DVBAPI
group = 1
uniq = 1
monlevel = 1
au = skyuk
saveemm-u = 0
saveemm-s = 0
caid = 0963
ident = 0963:000000


[Sky Digital (UK)]
caid = 0963
provid =
srvid = 23FB,23FC,23FD,23FE,23FF,2400,2404,2409,240E,2441, 206C,2071,2077,2078,2079,207A,207B,207C,2094,23F8, 2581,2582,2583,2585,2586,2588,258B,258C,258D,258E, 274C,2756,2757,2758,275F,2760,276A,2774,2775,2783, 189D,189E,18A2,18AC,18AE,18C5,18CF,18D9,18E2,18EC, 18F7,283D,283F,2841,2842,2843,2847,2848,2851,288C, 288D,288E,288F,2890,2891,2892,2893,2894,2895,2896, 1907,1915,1916,1917,1929,1933,193D,1947,1901,1932, 1934,193C,1940,1942,1946,286F,2871,2872,2874,2876, 2879,287A,2883,2710,271F,2724,272E,2738,2747,1B1C, 1B1D,1B1F,1B21,1B27,0EDF,0F27,0F3B,0FC3,1215,1216, 1276,1277,1278,1279,127A,12DA,12DB,12DC,12DD,12DE, 133E,15AE,101A,101B,11EE,2788,278D,2792,2797,279C, 27A1,27A6,27AB,27B0,27B5,27D8,27E2,27EC,27ED,27F1, 27F6,280F,2814,2815,2819,27FE,052D,1207,1208,1209, 120A,120B,132A,13F4,1788,1796,2489,1F46,1F4B,1F54, 1F55,1F7C,0F3E,0F3F,0F45,0FC9,1E14,1E15,1E16,1E17, 1E18,1E1E,1E1F,1E23,1E24,1E28,2F45,2F4E,2F58,2F62, 2F6C,2F85,22C5,22CF,22D9,22E3,22E4,50DC,50DD,50EB, 50FF,5109,512C,5140,514A,5208,5212,521C,5226,52D0, 5302,CB21,CB22,CB24,CB25,CB26,CB27,CB28,CB28,CB2A, CB2D,CB30,CB48,CB52,CB5C,CB61,CB66,CB70,CB75,CB3C, CB3D,CB3E,CB3F,CF9B,CF9C,CF9E,CF9F,CFA0,CFA1,CB96, CB9B,CB9C,CB9E,CB9F,CBA6,CBA7,CBA8,CBAA,CBA9,CB84, CB86,CB87,CB88,CB89,CB8A,CB8B,CB8C,CB8D,CB8E,CB8F, CB90,CB91,CBC9,CBCA,CBCF,CBD4,CBA4,CBFC,CC01,CC08, CC09,CC0A,CC0B,CC10,CC1A,CC1F,CC24,CC29,CC2E,CC38, CC42,D034,D039,D03E,D043,D048,D04D,D052,D057,D05C, D061,D066,D06B,D070,D071,D075,D07A,D07F,D084,CFD0, CFD5,CFDA,CFDF,CFEE,D007,D00C,D016,D017,D01B,D01C, D020,D025,D02A,D02F,D031,C6D7,D7A1,D7A2,D7A4,D7A7, D7A9,D7AA,D7AB,D7AC,D7AD,D7AE,D7B0,D7BA,D7BC,D7E6, D7FF,CCB0,CCB5,CCBA,CCBF,CCC4,CCCA,CCCE,CCD3,CCD8, CCDE,CCE2,CCE7,D101,D106,D10B,D110,D115,D11A,D11F, D124,D129,D12E,D138,D142,D154,D156,D157,D158,D15B, D15C,D15D,D15E,CD28,CD37,CD3C,CD46,CD5A,CD5F,CD64, CD69,5655,5656,5657,5658,5659,565E,5668,253B,253D, 253F,2540,2541,D73E,D740,D744,D745,D746,D747,D748, D749,D74A,D74C,D74D,254C,254D,254F,2550,2551,2552, 2557,2558,2559,255B,2562,2567,D758,D75C,D75D,0F01, C5E4,C5E5,C5E6,C5E7,C5E9,C5EA,C5F8,D804,D805,D806, D807,D809,D80A,D80B,D80C,D80D,D80E,D80F,D810,D822, D823,D841,D843,D844,D845,D848,D849,D84B,D84D,D84E, D84F,D850,D851,D852,D853,0EDE,0F49,0F50,0FA1,0FA3, 0FA4,0FAB,0F1E,0F41,0F5C,0F5D,0F5E,041C,1038,105D, 1D4D,1F48,1F4E,1F5A,1F70,1F95,1FC6,041A,041B,105E, 1F6C,1F71,1F88,1FC7,0EDA,0F1A,0F25,0F4D,0F69,1965, 1966,1968,1969,196A,196C,1978,1979,197A,197B,10CE, 10CF,10D0,10D2,10D3,10D4,1133,1134,1135,1136,157E, 1612,232E,13A4,1F47,1F6D,1FBF,0EDC,0EEF,0F24,0F4E, 1839,183A,183C,183D,183E,183F,1840,1841,1842,1843, 1844,1859,1B59,1B5A,1B5B,1B5D,1B5E,1B5F,1B60,1B61, 1B62,1B64,1B66,1B6D,1B81,1B82,0517,0585,107C,13F5, 151B,238D,238E,238F,2390,2391,2392,10E6,10E7,10E8, 10EA,114A,114B,114C,114D,114E,1199,11A3,11AD,11AE, 11AF,11B0,138C,15B2,15B3,138F,1F5E,1F7D,1252,1F74, 1DB0,1DB5,1DBA,1DBF,1DC4,1DC8,1DCA,1DCE,1DE2,1DE7, 1DE8,1DE9,0EEA,0EED,0F16,0F3D,1C3E,1C3F,1C40,1C41, 1C44,1BBC,1BBD,1BBE,1BBF,1BE4,1BEE,152D,152E,152F, 1530,1531,1532,1533,1534,1535,155F,1560,1561,1562, 1563,1564,1565,1566,1567,1F45,1F5F,1F73,1F7E,1F7F, 1F8A,1FAB,1FAD,1FB3,1FB6,1FBC,1FC0,1FC8,1FCA,1FCB, 1FCC,1FCD,1FD2,1FD7,1FE9,2000,2005,1572,1FCE,1FFF, 200F,0EF8,0F10,0F1C,0F1D,0F40,051A,051B,057B,1070, 1076,1078,107B,107D,119F,11A1,157C,158B,1591,1794, 1798,1F4F,1F7A,1202,1203,1204,1205,1324,1325,132B, 132C,132D,1332,1391,14BC,1519,151A,151C,1537,153A, 1F43,1FA7,1FE6,0EE7,0EE8,0EE9,0EEB,0F3C,122D,12C1, 12C2,12C4,12C5,12C6,12C7,138B,178E,2457,2463,0520, 053E,05AA,107E,1210,1260,1262,128E,128F,1290,1291, 1299,13F3,1581,1F49,1292,1F44,1F72,1F77,1FD0,0F1B, 0F1F,0F21,0F23,0F42,0EE6,0F2D,0F2E,0F30,0F43,1225, 1523,1524,1525,1526,1527,1528,1569,156A,156B,156C, 156D,15B8,15B9,15BA,15BB,15BC,10E0,11D7,11FA,11FC, 125D,125F,1268,178C,1793,1797,179A,1F42,1FE2,1FEA, 20CF,1F4D,1F64,1F6A,1F82,1F8B,1FA4,2331,10E9,1214, 12C3,13A5,14AB,15AF,15B0,15B1,15B4,15B5,1789,178A, 178F,1790,1791,1799,0516,0F04,0F0E,0F68,0FC4,0EF2, 0EF3,0F0D,0F15,0F19,0F26,0F46,0EEE,0EF0,0EFB,0EFC, 0F4A,0F4C,0C1D,0F28,0F2C,0F44,0F0A,0F17,0F47,0FAA, 2EE0,2EE5,2EEA,2EEF,2EF4,2EFE,2F03,2F08,2F0D,2F12, C495,C49A,C49B,C49C,C49D,C49E,C49F,C4A0,C4A1,C4A9, C4BD,C4BE,C4BF,C4C0,C4C2,C4C7,C4C8,C4CC,C4CD,C418, C41D,C422,C427,C42C,C472,C4E0,C4E5,C4EF,C4F9,C517, C51C,C521,C526,C52B,C530,C53A,D355,D356,D357,D35B, D35E,D360,D361,D363,D368,D377,D37C,D386,D395,D397, D39A,D39F,D3A4,C789,C78A,C78B,C78C,C78D,C78E,C78F, C790,C791,C792,C793,C794,C795,C6B2,C6C2,C6C3,C6C4, C6C8,C6C9,C6CA,C6CB,C6CC,C6A8,C6AC,C7A3,C7A7,C7A8, C7A9,C7AC,C7AD,C7AE,C7AF,C7B0,C7B1,C7B2,C7B3,C7B5, C7B6,C7AA,D7BF,D7C0,D7C3,D7C4,D7C6,D7C7,D7C8,D7CC, D7D0,D7D2,D7E7,D7EB,D7ED,D7EE,D7EF,D7F0,D7F0,D3C3, D3C4,D3C7,D3C8,D3C9,D3CA,D3CB,D3CC,D3CD,D3CF,D3D0, D336,D337,D338


nice = -1
logfile = /var/log/oscam.log
clienttimeout = 5000
fallbacktimeout = 2500
clientmaxidle = 120
cachedelay = 120
bindwait = 120
resolvedelay = 30
serialreadertimeout = 1500
maxlogsize = 1024
waitforcards = 1
preferlocalcards = 1
saveinithistory = 1
keepalive = 1

httpport = 8888
httpuser =
httppwd =
httprefresh = 15
httpallowed = -
debug = 255

key = 0102030405060708091011121314
port = 10000@0963:000000
keepalive = 1
allowed =,

enabled = 1
au = 1
user = dvbapiau
boxtype = dreambox
request_mode = 1

port = 12000
version = 2.2.1
build = 3165
reshare = 1

nice = -1
logfile = /var/log/oscam.log
clienttimeout = 5000
fallbacktimeout = 2500
clientmaxidle = 120
cachedelay = 120
bindwait = 120
resolvedelay = 30
serialreadertimeout = 1500
maxlogsize = 10
waitforcards = 1
preferlocalcards = 1
saveinithistory = 1
keepalive = 1

enabled = 1
user = linuxsatsupport
boxtype = dreambox
au = 1

port = 12000
version = 2.2.1
build = 3165
reshare = 1

httpport = 8888
httpuser =
httppwd =
httprefresh = 15
httpallowed = -
debug = 255

appendchaninfo = 1

06-12-15, 15:33
Your configurations are all jumbled up. Almost everything is there, but there is a lot duplicated.

Can I ask you to do one thing - unplug the box from the internet, and tell us what you get (please don't ask why).

Then a suggestion - get the webif working in a browser window. Then use the webif to bring up each of the configuration files and use it to save them. That might clean up some of the duplicate entries.

06-12-15, 18:53
Your configurations are all jumbled up. Almost everything is there, but there is a lot duplicated.

Can I ask you to do one thing - unplug the box from the internet, and tell us what you get (please don't ask why).

Then a suggestion - get the webif working in a browser window. Then use the webif to bring up each of the configuration files and use it to save them. That might clean up some of the duplicate entries.

How in Webif do I get the file config's?

06-12-15, 19:19
I think your sport and movie channels (even the sd ones) on your card might be paired with your official HD box, which means they can't be decrypted when you put your card in a non official box. Might need to try re-pairing your card with an old official SD box?

06-12-15, 19:37
Yes thanks, I am getting an old SD box from my daughter so will try again when I get that

07-12-15, 14:32
How in Webif do I get the file config's?

Open the webif. Bring up the tab Config - then click save at the bottom of the page. That should correct some of your config file errors.

Then go to the Readers and Users tabs. Bring up each Reader and user in turn and click save at the bottom of the page.

10-12-15, 01:21
I think your sport and movie channels (even the sd ones) on your card might be paired with your official HD box, which means they can't be decrypted when you put your card in a non official box. Might need to try re-pairing your card with an old official SD box?

Can you not use boxid any more?

10-12-15, 14:44
OScam does not need the boxid to be entered.

10-12-15, 16:31
OScam does not need the boxid to be entered.
It does for the newer red sky cards.

23-11-16, 11:11
Any news on your problem?