View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] Problems with IPTV

30-11-15, 13:33
Today tested latest Vix image 3.2.025 on my Vu+ Solo 2.

Problems with IPTV:

SERVICE 4097:0:1:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:rtmp://....... not working at all. Not playing programs. Recording too not working, because service not working.
With old image 3.2.021 everything worked fine. Playing and recording worked fine.

#SERVICE 1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:http://......
Play program fine:

But during recording picture become blurry, sound issues, record quality very poor:

With 3.2.021 image during recording picture was normal and no problems with sound. Recording quality was very poor.


02-12-15, 18:33
Found another problem:

Recording IPTV program SERVICE 4097....
Record quality good, but when try rewind (skip ads), this function working incorrect. Something rewind (any direction) not working at all, sometimes working very slow.
For sample try rewind program from 1:00 to 5:00 Press button " ->" and when time reach 5:00 press "OK" to stop rewind , but program play again from 1:00, sometimes from 4:45. Sometimes starts issues with sound (sound delay couple seconds).
If try record and watch normal SAT program - everything working fine.

03-12-15, 09:08
I also did some tests. Playing and recording of my http (ABC news) and rtmp streams (New York weather) worked. So it is no general problem that it is not working at all. Recording rtsp created 0 byte files. If a service is not playing at all how should recording work then? The new gstreamer is still work in progress and there might be streams and files which play not correctly.

I think I tested a newer image.


03-12-15, 13:51
VIX 3.2.027


First program - normal SAT TV program. You can see that everything working fine.
Fast forward and rewind function working fine.

Second program - IPTV (http stream). You can see that Fast forward working just only 2 seconds intervals, even press button few times.
Rewind function not working at all - (working as fast forward).

Found that when recording IPTV I receive files:

when recording normal SAT TV I receive:

Old Vix images not recognize *.stream I renamed *.stream to *.ts and old images now recognize media files (recorded program). Now no problems with fast forward and rewind.

Old VIX images (I use Apollo 023) SAT TV and IPTV recording same:

New VIX images (not sure from which version) when recording IPTV create *.STREAM, not *.TS files. And when play *.STREAM something working bad.

VIX Apollo 023
(renamed *.stream to *.ts). Tested same programs as with Vix 3.2.027 (as on 1st youtube link).


07-12-15, 05:56
I have also the same issue.

16-12-15, 12:40
With latest image 3.2.030 still same problems with Fast forward and rewind function...

15-07-20, 16:45
Found that when recording IPTV I receive files:

when recording normal SAT TV I receive:

I renamed *.stream to *.ts and old images now recognize media files (recorded program). Now no problems with fast forward and rewind.

Sorry for reviving an old thread but this is the first result that comes up when googling "openvix .stream .eit .meta" and not a lot of other info to be found

This issue still persisted in Openvix 5.3, recordings from IPTV type 4097 would be saved as *.eit, *.stream and *.stream.meta (looks like the extension in the ".streameit" was fixed along the way)

The files played fine but the annoying thing was the movie / recordings list wasn't showing the correct name, channel, description or current state (recording etc), just a long filename. Manually renaming the .stream and .stream.meta to .ts and .ts.meta made the correct info show up on movie planner and playback was still fine.

I found a workaround by modifying RecordTimer.py to force the .ts file extension during the timer record and it solved the problem.

To make the fix, backup /usr/lib/enigma2/python/RecordTimer.pyo before beginning and then download RecordTimer.py from the openvix sources on github and modify the following two lines:

# Change line 383
prep_res=self.record_service.prepare(self.Filename + self.record_service.getFilenameExtension(), self.begin, self.end, event_id, name.replace("\n", ""), description.replace("\n", ""), ' '.join(self.tags), bool(self.descramble), bool(self.record_ecm))

prep_res=self.record_service.prepare(self.Filename + ".ts", self.begin, self.end, event_id, name.replace("\n", ""), description.replace("\n", ""), ' '.join(self.tags), bool(self.descramble), bool(self.record_ecm))

#And change line 512
open(self.Filename + self.record_service.getFilenameExtension(), "w").close()

open(self.Filename + ".ts", "w").close()

I uploaded the modified file to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/ and restarted the box - it compiled the newly uploaded RecordTimer.py into RecordTimer.pyo

Now it records as ts and saves ts, meta, eit and cuts files. Movie list displays correct name, description, recording state, progress etc instead of just long ugly filename.

The EIT filename is truncated by 3 chars though so no EIT used - but meta still displays fine - will figure out that one another day

Maybe someone can come up with a more complete fix inside NavigationInstance in the E2 sources at some future point but that's beyond my current knowledge - this quick fix did it for me. YMMV.

Just wanted to leave this here for any future searchers of the same issue who want a quick fix if they are comfortable editing the python files.

15-07-20, 19:13
Sounds like el-guapo has solved a problem, will this be implemented in next release?

16-07-20, 16:33
It works but it's more of a bodge than a permanent fix!

1. The eit file gets an incorrect filename when being written somewhere within the Navigationinstance recordService() function
2. It might be the case that you don't always want .ts (it just happens that I do) filenames - so not perfect

Here is a bash script to correct the wrongly written eit filenames, I am just running it periodically.

Before: "20200716 1343 - Some channel - An example recordeit"
After running script: "20200716 1343 - Some channel - An example recording.eit"


echo "Cleaning up 4097 eit"

find "/hdd/movie/" -name "*eit" ! -name "*.eit" -print0 | while read -d $'\0' file

#Strip dir from filename
fn=$(basename "$file")

#Strip off eit

#create target filename to find

#Find the ts.meta version of this file
fn4="$(find "/hdd/movie/" -name "$fn3" | head -n 1)"

#Strip off the .ts.meta

#Generate new filename
fn6="$(basename "$fn5").eit"

echo "moving $fn to $fn6"
mv "/hdd/movie/$fn" "/hdd/movie/$fn6"


echo "Finished"

No apologies for complete lack of error handling :rofl:

Will dig around the NavigationInstance source files at some other point....

16-07-20, 20:56
Here (https://github.com/OpenViX/enigma2/commit/c59bfcc1fa72dc56c4abd7789f8bef0b2bf30fc8#diff-0f321e0c10bf545be5c64a41d09d6732) is the commit for introducing IPTV on E2.

Seems the files were .ts but code changed for the IPTV recording commit.

What are the pros/cons of each option (ie .ts or .stream)?

What I can see:

pros - better playback with rewind/fastforward
neg - ?

pros - ?
neg - ?

Someone able to maybe fill in the ? blanks?

19-07-20, 17:23
Hello, This helped me out as I was having the problem with ff/rwd/skip on recorded IPTV. I couldn't quite get your rename files script to work for me but ended up simplifying it by running a daily cron with just ...

for f in /hdd/movie/*stream*; do mv "$f" "${f/stream/ts}";done

This seems to work and in its simplest form for me and just changes the "stream" in the file names to ts - this allows for the missing control on the file.

Obviously this is not the best way of doing - I didnt even start looking to amend the RecordTimer.py file but it seems the best way would be to fix it at source.

From the earlier comments is the amended RecordTimer file going to be included in a future release ?

abu baniaz
19-07-20, 21:18
From the earlier comments is the amended RecordTimer file going to be included in a future release ?

I doubt it.

Renaming won’t work in all cases!
IPTV can be a ts stream or a mkv stream or whatever. I used .stream so that gstreamer is used to playback the recorded file. This should always work. Unfortunately Gstreamer is not the best option for rewind/fast forward.

If you rename the .stream file AND the file contains a ts stream, then E2 can playback the file like a normal recording.

If “only” rewind/fast forward is a problem, the users should use 1,3,4,6,7,9 keys. Yes, I know not every user wants to use it, but it works very good

20-07-20, 10:04
I doubt it.

If “only” rewind/fast forward is a problem, the users should use 1,3,4,6,7,9 keys. Yes, I know not every user wants to use it, but it works very good

That's the problem - these dont work at all on a recorded file in .stream format.

20-07-20, 13:10
Sorry for reviving an old thread but this is the first result that comes up when googling "openvix .stream .eit .meta" and not a lot of other info to be found

This issue still persisted in Openvix 5.3, recordings from IPTV type 4097 would be saved as *.eit, *.stream and *.stream.meta (looks like the extension in the ".streameit" was fixed along the way)

The files played fine but the annoying thing was the movie / recordings list wasn't showing the correct name, channel, description or current state (recording etc), just a long filename. Manually renaming the .stream and .stream.meta to .ts and .ts.meta made the correct info show up on movie planner and playback was still fine.

I found a workaround by modifying RecordTimer.py to force the .ts file extension during the timer record and it solved the problem.

To make the fix, backup /usr/lib/enigma2/python/RecordTimer.pyo before beginning and then download RecordTimer.py from the openvix sources on github and modify the following two lines:

# Change line 383
prep_res=self.record_service.prepare(self.Filename + self.record_service.getFilenameExtension(), self.begin, self.end, event_id, name.replace("\n", ""), description.replace("\n", ""), ' '.join(self.tags), bool(self.descramble), bool(self.record_ecm))

prep_res=self.record_service.prepare(self.Filename + ".ts", self.begin, self.end, event_id, name.replace("\n", ""), description.replace("\n", ""), ' '.join(self.tags), bool(self.descramble), bool(self.record_ecm))

#And change line 512
open(self.Filename + self.record_service.getFilenameExtension(), "w").close()

open(self.Filename + ".ts", "w").close()

I uploaded the modified file to /usr/lib/enigma2/python/ and restarted the box - it compiled the newly uploaded RecordTimer.py into RecordTimer.pyo

Now it records as ts and saves ts, meta, eit and cuts files. Movie list displays correct name, description, recording state, progress etc instead of just long ugly filename.

The EIT filename is truncated by 3 chars though so no EIT used - but meta still displays fine - will figure out that one another day

Maybe someone can come up with a more complete fix inside NavigationInstance in the E2 sources at some future point but that's beyond my current knowledge - this quick fix did it for me. YMMV.

Just wanted to leave this here for any future searchers of the same issue who want a quick fix if they are comfortable editing the python files.

Thanks very much - rather than rename files after the event I went down this route and it seems to work just fine. Line numbers in the RecordTimer.py were slightly different but the fix works. I tried a timer record and I have 3 files a .ts a .ts.meta and a .ts.cuts - all good thanks.

20-07-20, 21:59
Hi folks,

I installed iptv on my VU Solo 4k this evening. Seems fine but the video on demand section is behaving odd. When i play some movies they starting at the end and i can't see an obvious way to restart them. They work fine on iptv app on my tv. Is there a way to fast forward/rewind video on demand streams?
