View Full Version : cannot ftp to my vu duo box

28-11-15, 18:25
Tried with filezilla and smartFTP but cannot make a connection to my box. I have tried multiple pc's running win7 and win10 - I have been able to connect previously (about 1mth ago) but cannot connect now, I have disabled windows firewall, switched of my anti-virus and even disabled the firewall on my router but still cannot connect. My box is hard-wired to my router, but I am connecting by wifi from my laptops. Both laptops and vu duo box are connected to the web without any issue.
I get the following rejection messages...
Filezilla: Connection attempt failed with "ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server".
smartFTP: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

I have now run out of ideas, just wondering if anyone else has had a similar problem and fixed it? or if anyone can offer any further things to try?

28-11-15, 18:29
Have u checked the ip address of your box to make sure it is the same has the ftp.

29-11-15, 11:21
Hi Bazza, yes had checked that tho was doubting my own sanity in the end and gave up with it all yesterday. Powered everything down this morning and done another full re-set (I had done this yesterday too), but also done a factory re-set on my router today, and hey-presto I can ftp again. Don't know exactly what the problem was but looks like it was maybe a config in the router that was blocking. Now going to switch back on all my anti-virus and firewalls and hope the prob doesn't re-appear.

29-11-15, 11:32
Moved to correct section.