View Full Version : EPG - a lot of programmes now have New: in front of them

17-11-15, 22:17
Has anybody noticed that a lot of new series have started putting "New:" in front of the title?

I've only noticed because some of my autotimers have stopped working mid series e.g. "I'm a celebrity get me out of here" is now coming through as "New: I'm a celebrity get me out of here" :mad:

17-11-15, 22:29
Thats the epg data thats supplied by the broadcaster - you cant change it. You will just have to change your autotimers to suit

17-11-15, 22:34
Yeah I understand that I just wondered if other people had noticed

17-11-15, 22:43
It's been happening for ages.

The trouble is, even with "New:" series, the "New:" is sometimes dropped for the odd episode, so an exact match doesn't always work in that case either.

17-11-15, 22:46
That's why I have mine set to partial match. Works a treat

17-11-15, 22:48
How does partial work?

would I get every program containing one of the words?

e.g. "New: I'm a celebrity get me out of here" would i get all the programmes with "New:"?

17-11-15, 23:08
Just change the search to a partial match, and remove New: from the title.

I've always assumed that a partial match means: if the string "I'm a celebrity get me out of here" is anywhere in the title then a match has been found.

17-11-15, 23:48
even without NEW: - won't I get everything with "celebrity", "get", "me"....etc.?

Is there a guide for auto timer? I couldn't see anything in the vix manual

18-11-15, 02:48
even without NEW: - won't I get everything with "celebrity", "get", "me"....etc.?lNo.
There is one string. For "partial" that one string has to be present in the title in its entirety.
You can also say whether you wish the search to be case-sensitive.