View Full Version : [Mut@nt HD500C] DNS settings disappeared

10-11-15, 22:25
Hi my box was working fine then it crashed , now it will not connect to the internet ! I have checked all cables and net is working fine with my phone WiFi and hard wire to my p.c. The box seems to have lost its DNS settings and when I enter them manually it crashes ??
I am new to this so any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance David

If I have posted this in the wrong place apologies.

11-11-15, 11:18
So where is the crash log? You need to post it here.

11-11-15, 11:29
FYI: the crash log will be in /home/root/logs and called something like enigma2_crash_1447237702.log

11-11-15, 13:23
Default DNS setting will be whatever your modem/router or router address is, so is usually the address for a modem/router is usually the address for a router connected to a modem.

11-11-15, 13:23
Ps turn dchp off.

11-11-15, 19:13
hi Guys

thanks for the reply I have just set it up to send the crash logs to my email address and to save them to my usb so will be able to get them if it happens again! I have just came home and all is working again although there are still no DNS setting there ? I do not know if they are supposed to show? I am looking in menu,setup ,system, network,device set-up,adapter settings. it shows me use interface, use DHCP then below that it has primary and secondary DNS which are showing all as below that it has my ip details and so on.

I thought this was the issue as the box would not connect to the internet for anything and any time i tried to connect it to the net it crashed! different crash logs with the different ways I tried to get it to connect.
Thank yoou all for taking the time to try and help me.

jim bob
18-11-15, 12:49
Im also having a dns issue with my vu solo. the dns settings have disappeared and i have lost internet connection. I am using latest open vix. Is anyone else having this problem ? I wonder if its software or plugin issue ?

I tried to reflash which worked at first but then it happened again. I took the box to my mates house and it has the same problem. It shows ip but no dns.

18-11-15, 13:14
What settings are you using?
DNS depends upon your DHCP server (Your Router) Most, but not all will be and some are Read your router manual to confirm.

jim bob
18-11-15, 13:20
Its on dhcp.

If i try to take dhcp off it crashes when i press green to save change so i cannot get it off dhcp to try a manual setup.

18-11-15, 13:24
Unplug network cable, then set manually and save, reset box and then plug in cable.

jim bob
18-11-15, 15:17
it still crashes when i try to save change.

18-11-15, 19:39
See post #2.