View Full Version : [ABM-MISC] Autobouquetmaker Custom Not Showing Additional options ?

09-11-15, 17:50
Hi all and thanks in advance for any help and advice !!
Just set up Xtrend 9x00 running on latest Vix build 021 .
My question is about when setting the Autoboquetmaker.
I have providers set to SkyUk Area : Westcountry custom.Normally when this is done it then opens up another dropdown list which enables you to adjust other settings like swap channels ect ect .
This does not now appear ? I also have duos running latest image too and these actually do show these dropdown options ?
I have done a complete fresh install without backup .
Any help Please ??

09-11-15, 17:52
In ABM settings, turn on expert mode.

09-11-15, 18:02
Duh ! Yes completely forgot and missed that lol !!
Cheers Judge :)