View Full Version : Oscam/cccam help

09-11-15, 13:59
l just installed oscam 1.2, on enigma2/openvix 3.2,am using cccam 2.3 but l want to use oscam replace cccam. The problem is l dont know how to add line to oscam. l have tried so many ways,could not fix it.:rolleyes:

abu baniaz
09-11-15, 14:34
We don't do line talk.

09-11-15, 16:53
There is a handy little program for Windows that will convert your Cccam.cfg file to ones suitable for Oscam. Google for 'Cccam to oscam convertor' - i won't be allowed to put a link on here. When you have the new files, FTP into your box and load them into /var/tuxbox/config/Oscam
And no more discussion of 'lines' :nono:

09-11-15, 16:54
Thread closed.