View Full Version : All menus etc disappearing

09-11-15, 13:24
Hi Guys

I have a Technomate TM Nano 3T and running the latest 021 image. When I go to use the box every morning all menus have disappeared. The box seems to be responding on the front display but nothing comes up onscreen. No matter if I hit menu or epg or the up or down button to bring up the bouquets nothing appears onscreen. I know the box is responding because if I change channel using the up or down arrows the channel name changes on the front of the box and changes on the TV. The only way I can get the menus etc up again is to hit the power button to off and back on again but the text is very hard to read on the epg. I am using the Blue HD skin. I have set the box to update the epg and channel lists during the night.

Thanks for your time in reading this.