View Full Version : [ET9x00] OnlineVersionCheck Error - Please help

08-11-15, 02:25

I'm new to this. I bought the xtrend 9500 on Friday from World of Satellites.

Unwrapped it, plugged it in, watched some fireworks with my daughter and then set about making it work. I then received an error "OnlineCheckVersion" after about an hour. It stops certain things like downloading plugins. My friend suggested flashing it. With some nervousness (I'm new to this) and set about doing this. I downloaded "3.2.021 release et9x00" placed it on a USB and flashed the device. No joy. On bootup the same thing.

Additionally I cannot FTP to the device anymore, i get the following error:
500 OOPS: vsftpd: not found: directory given in 'secure_chroot_dir':/var/share/empty

The thing I can't answer is the "flash with/without settings restored". I am unsure of the difference or how I would do it.

Any pointers would be much appreciated. I'm off to bed in a mo so it may take a while for me to respond!



PS - I read certain threads pointing to network settings so I have been playing with these on my router. No joy.

08-11-15, 02:28
skin is vix-night-hd

08-11-15, 06:06
USB RE-flash the receiver http://www.openvix.co.uk/openvix-builds/Guides%20and%20Tutorials/Flashing%20Guides/How%20to%20flash%20a%20Xtrend%20ET9x00.pdf

Build 021 here http://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php/downloads/xtrend-images/xtrend-et-9x00-images/

Check your network, reboot router etc..

For now turn off online update check, its a bug that's trying to be tracked down. Menu > Software update settings > Background Check > Set to NO. Reboots your receiver.

08-11-15, 09:45
Cool. rest everything (including router) and also changed the ethernet port i was using (a recommendation from a knowledgeable friend). Bingo.

I have turned off auto updater as recommended.