View Full Version : VU+ Zero Laggy Picture and Blank Black screen on HD Channels

04-11-15, 22:14
My uncle installed a Vu+ Zero when I was away on holiday and since I've come back it's been handy to use but the picture will lag and freeze every couple of minutes and when I go to flick on some the HD channels (S*y Sports 1 HD etc.) I get a completely blank black screen. I can still use the remote when this happens but I'm completely new to this and after reading several threads seem to be none the wiser. The box itself is right beside the main telephone port which from what I understood could interfere with the signal as when I take the phone away from the charger the picture seems to improve but still not quite consistent enough to watch a game or a movie without interruption. Changing the Skin seemed to improve things a little but still proving problematic. Any help in the most basic of descriptions would be appreciated (dumb it down lol!)


04-11-15, 22:58
Only official Sky boxes can recieve Sky HD channels.

Do your Freeview channels BBC etc work ok ?

04-11-15, 23:01
Yeah free view channels don't seem to be the problem, they're usually fine but it's the movie and sport channels that seem to be playing up, lagging a lot which makes it very difficult to watch.

04-11-15, 23:05
I would speak to your provider - have you read the forum rules regarding illegal card sharing

05-11-15, 00:53
Yeah free view channels don't seem to be the problem, they're usually fine but it's the movie and sport channels that seem to be playing up, lagging a lot which makes it very difficult to watch.

Then this points towards to the method by which you are receiving access to the pay tv channels, and if thats by any other means other than a official sky uk card you wont get help here with it.