View Full Version : First time set up for Quad HD plus

04-11-15, 12:44
Hello All.

I am currently anxiously awaiting the delivery of my Gigablue quad HD plus in the next couple of hours after cancelling sky and as a complete newbie to all this I ask if you can give me advice on the best hassle free way to set this up from scratch.

I found this thread http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?23571-New-box-set-up-guide.html on here but what if any differences would I have to make for a GB as it is a Vu guide link? I do appreciate anything I install would have to be GB version but after that my knowledge is limited, I am very lost trying to find answers on the countless posts here with the huge amount of info and need simple basic set up help.
Sorry for my tech ignorance but I don't want to be on here looking for answers after doing something really stupid when setting this up in a few hours.

From the hours spent over the last two days on here which has been both enlightening and totally confusing in equal measures for me and I feel so much out of my depth, I assume that openvix is the best install to start with and I like the blue hd skin but after that what would people suggest?

All idiot proof advice would be appreciated.

04-11-15, 13:12
One step at a time is my advice. Connect it up - switch it on - follow the wizard - Have a play (you won't die......probably) Come back for advice on the bits that confuse you.

abu baniaz
04-11-15, 13:26
apart from the flashing of image, everything on the guide will be the same.

04-11-15, 13:46
apart from the flashing of image, everything on the guide will be the same.

Thanks for replies I think like most things that the apprehension while awaiting delivery is filling me more with dread as to making a mistake rather than excitement.

As it stands I intend to install openvix latest version from here on a usb and to then use blue hd skin, can then I do this from the box menu or advisable to load onto USB would this be the best way to start?
I will only be using existing sat cables from sky dish for TV and want most stable system to view and be able to record series links similar to skybox as I am on shift work so this is one of my priorities along with the obvious reliable TV use. I am living in Ireland if that even makes a difference?

I feel like a first time swimmer after jumping into the deep end and I am getting a scrambled brain trying to catch up with half the terms ipv, cccam, softcam I am not even sure which is which?

04-11-15, 17:58
Dont worry as with everything its always daunting the first time around, you'll soon get the hang of it
I have the GB quad and it's a really good box
Once you have installed/flashed the latest vix (make sure you use the quad + and not the quad image) The setup menu appears to configure internet connection /tuner set up etc, once this has been done to download the blue hd skin go to Menu, Plugins wait for it to load then go to skins and install from there..This downloads the skin to your box then press menu , setup,system,user interface, skin set up and choose your bluehd skin from there, it will ask you to reboot , click yes and you should have it..Good luck

04-11-15, 23:40
Thanks to all, I got most of it working after a couple of error messages and a restart it seems to be working ok, I was attempting to add a cline and following a thread on here I added FileZilla but I am unable to connect to box even though I have located the box ip address and entered as host but it just will not connect, is there any way I can add the file as I have copied it to usb?

04-11-15, 23:51
Are you using'Root' for the username and password?

04-11-15, 23:54
No talk of lines allowed - read the rules.

04-11-15, 23:54
Re read the rules, we do not do cline talk or support here.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

05-11-15, 00:20
Apologies I am a bit scrambled with all the stuff I have been googleing trying to find solutions to why I cannot connect to filezilla, I obtained ip in network information used ROOT as username

05-11-15, 00:29
Have you left p/w blank ?

05-11-15, 00:58

I have box connected directly to modem would this affect it? Should I be using modem ip instead? May just go to bed and have a go again tomorrow.

05-11-15, 11:13
Good morning,

I have just turned on my box and I have a error displayed - Cannot read CA carts for HTTPS access HTTPS access is disabled.

Any ideas? is this why I cannot connect FileZilla?

05-11-15, 12:20
I am also repeatedly getting a repetative error message appearing on screen which is too long to post regarding -Softcam check- final part = packages/twisted/Python/contentpy:81:callWithContent/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Vix/SoftcamManager:725:Jobstart

Any clues I am under pressure here.

05-11-15, 13:47
I would start a new thread re your specific problem - you will get a better response.

05-11-15, 13:47
Re Filezlla
Try just putting root in the username and NO password

05-11-15, 14:31
Re Filezlla
Try just putting root in the username and NO password

Thanks but I have tried that, reading through other posts I am going to try using old laptop with FileZilla when I have it charged, it is other issue re Softcam which is really annoying as error is coming on screen @ every 10minutes :mad:

08-11-15, 23:21
OK after spending many hours scouring though dead end links on Google and searching through needle in a haystack threads on here which at times left me going off on a tangent installing plugins or altering settings which would ultimately be contradicted on alternate threads and resulting me in going back to start all over again I have eventually achieved a working box which seems stable with a very good quality picture (so far)
I see that many people have viewed this thread so with the assumption that others are in a similar dilemma to me not really knowing what half the terms such as picons, cams softcams etc even are never mind how to install them hopefully I can at least provide some help to the gigablue newbie with what worked for me..... http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?23571-New-box-set-up-guide.html

This was my life saver, the only real stumbling block is when I used FileZilla that I used ROOT instead of the all lowercase root, this error alone wasted nearly a full day on my day off work and resulted in a factory reset in my frustration.
I thank all those who have helped me so far and would hope that some others would remember that we all had to learn from nothing and try to understand that no matter how stupid the queries may seem there are many new members like me who rely on you guys passing on the benefit of your knowledge as sometimes it is the simplest thing which makes the breakthrough for us.
I am now fumbling my way through trying to set up a custom channel list as I had a problem with autobouquets maker yesterday but this morning the scans seem to have appeared themselves but now I have up to 5 of the same channels on list but that is better than about 5 in total at one stage yesterday :p
Also I thought I had figured out how to record last night as blue light turned flashing purple when I pressed record but I cannot find recording or any simple instructing of how to record/playback and pause rewind of live TV seems very hit and miss with a total freeze needing me to power off at back to reset problem so I will leave that alone until I can find some simple instructions if anyone could be so kind.

Is there a thread on here with highly recommended settings/plugins (with an idiots guide to what those things actually do as I found myself adding stuff over the last few days that had names I had read somewhere I had browsed or maybe posters here were raving about when I had and still have for the most part absolutely no clue what those plugins actually do)
A set of agreed top settings and addons for the best reliable way to watch, pause/rewind/record for this box would be invaluable if anyone can oblige :confused:

08-11-15, 23:51
Maybe don't try installing any plugins till you get to know the basic workings of the box?
Also, the ViX manual on http://openvix.co.uk might be handy.

09-11-15, 20:00
Wow judge, :thumbsup:
Thank you, I have just had a quick browse and that looks like the type of thing which would have made my last few days setting up my box a lot easier, I guess it was a case of not being able to see the wood for the trees :eek: how did I miss that http://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php/guides-and-tutorials