View Full Version : Vix Spinner after inactivity

31-10-15, 14:54
Hi Guys,

Don't think I've ever had anything except Vix on my Quad. However, I've noticed recently that when I change channel after a period of inactivity, I can get the Vix Spinner in the top left of my screen for 10 or 15 seconds before the channel actually changes. It doesn't happen every time, but it does happen a lot. I did a fresh install of the image recently, but I did use a previous backup. My picons are stored in flash, and CrossEPG is on the hard drive.

Any ideas why this is happening?


08-11-15, 16:00
Hi Guys,

In case anyone is interested, or encounters a similar problem, a fresh flash with no settings restore solved my issue.


13-11-15, 10:20
Hi Guys,

I spoke too soon, still doing it after a fresh flash and no settings restore! I can browse up and down the channel list, but when I actually I select a channel that I get a freeze and the spinner appears for 10 seconds or so, and then the channel change takes place. Picons are stored in flash, and EPG is stored on hard drive, currently on V3.2 Build 021, which was a completely fresh install.

Anyone got any ideas?


14-11-15, 17:32
suffering same problem.
Updates these days seem to do more harm for me than not.
Wish i hadn't bothered.system was fine and now its unusable.

01-12-15, 19:00

I wouldn't say it's unusable for me, but it's a tad annoying!

Currently on Version 3.2 Build 26 with another fresh install, no settings restore, still the same!

abu baniaz
01-12-15, 19:14
Would you mind enabling debug logs? ( restart requitred for this to take effect). When it next happens upload the logs as an attachment.

01-12-15, 19:46
had a similar thing a while ago... that was caused by picons stored on hdd.

04-12-15, 11:50

In my case, picons are stored in flash, but as abu baniaz suggested, I will switch on debug logs and try to upload them next time I have an issue.

07-12-15, 23:27
Hi Abu,

Log attached, had the spinner issue around 21.50 on 7/12/2015.

08-12-15, 00:16
Hi Abu,

Log attached, had the spinner issue around 21.50 on 7/12/2015.

Does the same happen when using the default image skin?

08-12-15, 03:10
Hi Abu,

Log attached, had the spinner issue around 21.50 on 7/12/2015.

<298614.517037> [gRC] main thread is non-idle! display spinner!
wget: bad address 'weather.yahooapis.com'
Do you have DNS set-up correctly? That name should resolve.
(The yahoo weather plug-in is part of the ViXBMC_1080_Confluence skin)

08-12-15, 10:12
Hi Guys,

Thanks for both replies.

Will try it with the default skin as per Judge's suggestion, but the unresolved URL is interesting! As soon I had the incident I noticed the weather widget wasn't displaying properly, which I'm guessing is the problem. However, my DNS setting is correct (I've run ipconfig /all on my desktop machine to check the DNS address), and running a network test on my GigaBlue comes up fine. Changing to the default skin will (I guess) resolve my issue, but as I've used the same DNS address for as long as I've had the box, I can't see how it can be an issue with my network. Could it be a problem with the weather widget?

08-12-15, 12:24
Hmmm...there are various other reports of busybox's wget throwing up "bad address" (just google for "wget bad address").

One mentioned dnsmasq, and whereas your box won't have that, it will have an avahi daemon running (probably). So, if you aren't relying on your box to contact any local system by name when without you putting them into a DNS server yourself, you could try switching that off by creating a /etc/default/avahi-daemon file containing:


08-12-15, 18:43
Hi Birdman,

Thanks for the reply, most helpful.

So, are you saying I need to create a file called avahi-daemon (no extension), add your line to it, and drop it into /etc/default/

08-12-15, 21:55
So, are you saying I need to create a file called avahi-daemon (no extension), add your line to it, and drop it into /etc/default/I'm saying that if you do this you will stop the avahi-daemon process starting - which may help.

09-12-15, 17:12
Hi Birdman,

Ok, will give it a try!

09-12-15, 21:57
Hi Birdman,

Did as you suggested, re-started the box, but got the VIX spinner three hours later. Checked the log, same wget problem as before!

09-12-15, 23:38
Did as you suggested, re-started the box, but got the VIX spinner three hours later. Checked the log, same wget problem as before!What is the configuration for your DNS - specifically which servers (IP address/es) do you have configured for it?

10-12-15, 19:56
Hi Birdman,

DNS settings screenshot, basically unchanged for several years.46115

11-12-15, 00:14
DNS settings screenshot, basically unchanged for several years.Then there' something wrong with your router, or what it is using to resolve (your ISP?).

You could try changing the DNS servers to and 8.8.4 4 (Google's public servers) to see whether the problem goes away,.

11-12-15, 09:46
Hi Birdman,

Thanks for the advice, will give it a try. However, I don't have problems with anything else in my network (2 x desktops and 1 x laptop, as well as 2 x Android pads and 2 x Windows phones).