View Full Version : vu+Duo2 recording

27-10-15, 19:50
I have a built in hard drive, that works fine. For recording.
Is it possble to record straight to a usb stick. Having tried in the past and failed. Can anyone pleaes advise me.
VIX, version Hades
Build 018
Thanks bugsy13

27-10-15, 19:54
you can but you would need a very large stick and when it gets full the recording would default to the flash, which once full will crash the receiver resulting in a full image reflash to resurrect it.

27-10-15, 22:09
I only wish to record the odd tv program. Using the USB, Not as a permanent hard drive.

27-10-15, 22:14
I only wish to record the odd tv program. Using the USB, Not as a permanent hard drive.

Then no disrespect but why not continue to use the HDD thats already in it ?, if you want to record to USB for ease of moving recordings then you can easily and quickly achieve that with the move option in image.