View Full Version : TM-NANO-OE Freezes

24-10-15, 16:03

I am using the above decoder and iam having a problem, every couple of days the receiver just freezes, the VIX logo just spinning around. I am using 3.2 010 image, but i don't think the image itself the problem is because this was always happened even with the previous images. I am using Oscam. There is any log anywhere I can check what could be the problem ?

thanks for any help

25-10-15, 17:39
I am also having this problem. has anybody any ideas please

25-10-15, 20:50
I forgot to say, i am using epg service, but it is saved on a hard drive, not on the internal memory. If something eating the internal memory can I monitor that somewhere ?

30-10-15, 15:44
Same issue here. As I had a pretty old image I flashed yesterday without a restore from backup. No plugins or anything installed yet, and it seems to be OK so far. Will grab the logs if it freezes again.

I would always connect using Putty and run top before restarting - but it didn't look like the memory or CPU usage was any different to normal.

01-11-15, 14:27
Hi, could you tell me where are the logs in the system ? Actually my system is looks a bit more stable now, it hasn't got froozen for a week.

02-11-15, 11:21
I enabled logs through Menu > Setup > System > Logs > Settings > Enable debug logs.

Then FTP into the box and go to /home/root/logs and you should see the .log files there.

I've had no crashes or spinning Vix so far (but have far fewer channels and no plugins now).

03-11-15, 00:18
Thanks, I have enabled my one aswell now, so far all looks good...

05-11-15, 20:46
Hi, thanks god I m not the only one, yes I noticed on my box that if I leave it on standby for more than a couple of days the box will not turn on and stay only with the vix spinning logo.... If I leave in deep sleep it turn on ok..... I have the picons installed on a USB stick.......

13-11-15, 23:00
Ok, since I have been here the box has been frozen 3x times. two times it was frozen with the spinning logo, once i saw a green screen, so I think that was something else. Actually the first thing happens 99% of the time. I found this two lines in the log, the first one i saw more in earlier, but the last line i thing means the box will start to spin the logo and die... There is anyone who can help with this ? I can give some more information by request.

< 87958.409163> [eDVBLocalTimerHandler] no transponder tuned... or no TDT/TOT avail .. try to use RTC :)
< 87961.120251> [gRC] main thread is non-idle! display spinner!