View Full Version : Can I load any skins on E2 image

22-10-15, 12:27
Quick question please
I have Octagon SF8Hd running Openvix 3.0.761 E2.
Can I load any E2 skins on any E2 image ??
If not how do I know which skins work with which image
Also please can someone point me in the right direction for skin install procedure


22-10-15, 12:43
"Q. Can I load any E2 skins on any E2 image ?? " - No, depend on the receiver and its capabilities-
That is an old build ..... you need to reflash if you want to be sure that the current plgins and skins for that receiver will run.
When you build an image for a receiver you also create the feeds specific to that receiver's capabilities. ... so go to plugins, downloads, skins and you will see what is available.