View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] How do Mac/OSX users edit their config and list files?

17-10-15, 18:16
On windows I used to edit my config and list files with a program called Notepad++ because it respected breaks in text and lines. I can't find a similar program to work with my macbook and osx.

How do Apple users edit their config and list files? Please don't say command line as I don't want to do that.

17-10-15, 18:18
Apple Mac has a default one I use. When I use filezilla, and edit it, it works just fine.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

17-10-15, 18:34
The program is called TextEdit on a mac.

17-10-15, 19:26
I use Xcode

17-10-15, 21:12
TextEdit and iDreamX to upload to the box

18-10-15, 10:25
I've found that Text Wrangler and Sublime Text are good also.

18-10-15, 15:21
Thanks everyone. I'm using TextEdit and it's woking fine.

18-10-15, 23:42
I just edit the files directly using the terminal command
ssh root@ip_of_STB
Then I installed nano on my STB as the default editor VIM is good but harder to explain how to use
opkg install nano then edit the files using
nano /etc/file-I-want-to-edit
once finished just press [CTRL] + [X] and then type exit to log off the SSH session, I know it seems more work, but i find it quicker :)

Aha, just read "Please don't say command line as I don't want to do that." so ignore this post :)

19-10-15, 11:56
Aha, just read "Please don't say command line as I don't want to do that." so ignore this post :)

Never learned how to do that stuff and don't have time now, prefer gui :D