View Full Version : [ET10x00] openwebif stream on ipad

14-10-15, 17:43
hi guys,

setup my et10k with dyndns and talk talk router as well as blackbox app
it works perfectly fine when streaming to iPad when its on any wifi network but as soon as i try and do it on 4g it doesn't work
does anyone know of anyway to fix this or any app to try.

thanks guys


14-10-15, 18:58
only works on your network

14-10-15, 20:29
No it works if I connect the iPad to any wifi, doesn't have to be the home one or even works through iPhone tethered to it. Just doesn't do it directly from its own SIM card.

15-10-15, 12:57
How are you allowing access to your network? Have you forwarded ports or have you set up a VPN?

If you have forwarded the ports to the ET10000 I would recommend you look in to another solution as its not a secure method of allowing access to the network and this forum is full of people who have had people access there boxes remotely using this insecure method

15-10-15, 18:53
If it works on any wifi then you have dydns working, sounds like a transcoding issue to me the 4g connection although is 4g does not have enough bandwidth to play the stream.
I take it your using the transcoding functionality to play the stream can you post the transcoding settings that you have configured. I take it you are using the ET10000 to transcode for you.

Create a new blackbox profile Set the type to Xtrend Transcoding. In the advanced settings ensure that your pointing to your Transcoder web if ports. REduce the bit rate until you can play the stream.

15-10-15, 19:30
I've set it up exactly the same as my iPhone on the same app, but it doesn't work on my the iPad transcoded at the lowest bitrate settings.
Could it be something like a phone network not allowing it to work?
Has anyone got theirs working on 4g iPad?

17-10-15, 10:47
Have you checked in settings / mobile data and and that 'use mobile data' is enabled for that app? the app may also have a setting to stop streaming over mobile data.