View Full Version : Help setup SSH

12-07-15, 17:07
How do you do this ?

Connect onto your E2 box with telnet and run the following commands

12-07-15, 17:16
use putty and setup a telnet connection to the IP address of the E2 box.

13-07-15, 23:01
When i try to connect for the first time with telnet using putty its asking me for a username and pass yet i have never made a user and pass

14-07-15, 06:01
username will be 'root'
password is probably not set and you can just press return.

I'd recommend you set a password for root once you get in.

just type


then follow the prompts.

14-07-15, 21:54
ive done

Press Ctrl+X to quit and save the file

So where do i Change the permissions using the following command ?? once ive done the above it say file name to write to ?

14-07-15, 22:04
So, it's highlighted another issue that needs correcting - thanks :)

6B should say:

cd ~
mkdir .ssh
cd .ssh
touch authorized_keys
nano authorized_keys

when you press ctrl+x it should suggest the filename as being 'authorized_keys' so just press return to name it as such.

14-07-15, 22:11
Yep did that then it says 1 line wrote .

Then do i put in the chmod 0600 authorized_keys ??

14-07-15, 22:27
Right ive done evrything after ive done dropbear restart and connect again it asks me for login, so when i put root in it comes up error ??

Actually scratch that i was connecting without auth keys so it works like it should ha

14-07-15, 23:20
Im lost now after doing those 10 steps ive forward a port in my router but dunno how to connect to it etc, ive installed connectbot but its asking me for username and host etc, i think this bit is a tad over my head.

14-07-15, 23:56
you've done the hard part :)

Couple of things for connectbot

1) User is 'root' in this instance
2) You need to get your key into the app - so you'll need to get them on your phone via email or USB
3) The host is your internet ip address or you dyndns name - afraid.org is a reasonable alternative to dyndns.org but a bit more technical. Your router might provide a dyn dns function to keep the external address updated as it changes.
4) Port is the external port you setup in the router.

Connectbot isn't the most friendly app to navigate but it works well once its setup.

16-07-15, 22:58
Im struggling with this like lol in connectbot do i do ssh ? or telnet ? i dont even no if my port forward has worked and when i also try to add my kep in connectbot i get 'problem parsing imported private key' ??