View Full Version : New dvb c tuners

30-09-15, 20:08
Hi I am currently running an Xtrend et8000 twin dvb-s but am wondering if I was to add a dvb-c tuner whether I would add it as the third tuner (a- dvb-s, b- dvb-s, c - dvb-c) or would I have to buy two dvb-c tuners? IE. Tuners a and b as dvb-c. Importantly Iwould need the ability to record whilst watching another program, would I need two dvb-c cables attached as I would with my dvb-s tuners.
Any help greatly appreciated!

abu baniaz
30-09-15, 20:17
The receiver has three tuner slots. You can adda DVB-C tuner module in slot C without worrying about what is in the other two slots (AFAIK)

Whether cable,s atellite or Terrestaril, if you want to record from two transponders, you need two tuners.

If you wanted to record 7 chanenls and they were all on the same transponder, a single tuner will be fine.

30-09-15, 20:40
Thanks for your quick response. Is there a specific dvb-c tuner for xtrend et8000? And I'm really sorry but I'm not exactly sure about transponders, am still learning after a couple of months as a complete noob. With two dvb-s and one dvb c tuner would I be able to record via the dvb c or would I have to loop. Sorry if repeating myself.

abu baniaz
30-09-15, 22:20
Can you send a message to the sponsor and ask about the tuner availability.

I don't know exatky what you mean to ask about "loop". The Cable tuner will need a signal wire with adequate signal level/quality. This wire can be from a asplitter or looped out from another cable receiver. Perhaps this post may help clarify things. http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?44799-Loop-RF-out-for-Cable-Terrestrial

Think of transponder like signal supply, just for the purposes of understanding.
If a tuner is locked onto that signal supply, it, the tuner, can only receive the channels on that transponder. You do not need another tuner if you want to record/stream another channel on the same transponder. So in essence, using one tuner, I can record all those channels pictured in these pictures, I have used teh TP for BBC One London and ITV London as examples. If I have two tuners, the same applies to the the other tuner.

So with two tuner, I can record over 10 channels subject to the motherboard/hdd restrictions. However, dont take that as always being the case, because some transpnders have fewer channels.

30-09-15, 22:49
Again thanks for a well informed response. I'll have a good read through the link provided.
Haven't been able to find an Xtrend branded dvb c tuner via sponsor site. Unsure whether it needs to be or not if I'm honest. I'll do some more digging.
Again all my thanks for your responses

abu baniaz
30-09-15, 23:00
Haven't been able to find an Xtrend branded dvb c tuner via sponsor site. Unsure whether it needs to be or not if I'm honest.

There is a reason why I said to send a message instead of posting link. ;)

If you want to use plug-in type tuner, it must be an xtrend tuner. Not like PCs I am afraid. For USB tuners, any reliable one will do. The Sundtek ones are reliable, but not cheap.

30-09-15, 23:53
If the sponsor doesn't have any spares in stock, pretty sure he will have soon...


01-10-15, 21:05
Brilliant that's the way to go then as I'm in no rush. I was previously with vrgn and noticed that they used coax cables to connect to the tvo box whereas a dvb-c tuner has a TV aerial type connection, why is this?