View Full Version : Hep: Autotimer

21-12-10, 01:19
If I use autotimer for say coronation street into search and put that weeks in. If I use it for something that is only on once a week it'll find only that one.

My question is when these single episodes record (and say done in the timer list) will it automatically search for next weeks when the EPG is updated??? i.e. will a weekly series record if its on for say 3 months with autotimer???


21-12-10, 01:20
yes it will depending on the criteria set on autotimer it will indefinatly look for matching programs till you delete the autotimer

21-12-10, 01:21
Yes autotimer continues to check and update as the epg is updated and add new episodes for the autotimers which you have setup.