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View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] VU+ reacts the same to any remote key !!!!!

24-09-15, 22:01
after starting play back of a recorded program the VU+ Duo reacts to any key pressed on the remote as if I press the OK/info button.
I can not get into the menu and even the power down button bring up the small channel info screen like all other buttons.

I have switched the receiver off and on again and have even unplugged it but nothing helps.

I have no idea how this can happen and I have even less idea as to how to solve it.

I can't even get into the screens to get the Vix build version and such info.

This is such a bizarre problem that surely someone else must have had this before? (hopefully)

Any help is greatly appreciated.


24-09-15, 22:18
I have turned the power off again and while it was rebooting I kept pressing Menu on the remote and that did the trick.
I got into the main menu and did a software update and now it seems to be working fine again.
Very, very strange but I'm glad it is solved.

25-09-15, 00:00
Sounds like a button was stuck