View Full Version : Adding cable services

16-09-15, 17:58
I have been running my receiver with satellite tuners but having just bought a cable tuner which I will fit this week, I was wondering is there a channel list which I can add to the receiver along with the catseye channel list I already have ot would it overwrite it? Also I notice there is a virgin epg available to download, would I be able to combine this with the Open Tv Cross EPG I already use? Thanks

16-09-15, 20:50
You can run Virgin ABM along side your cats eye settings, but you will need your area net id from your official box.
Updating the Virgin peg isn't that simple, once enabled you will need to set up epg refresh plug in from feeds to tune to pvr_epg channel to populate your Virgin epg

17-09-15, 01:13
I didn't quite understand all that, but will try and read a bit further into it. I remember the old net i.d from back in the day, but should be able to confirm it from the engineers menu:thumbsup: