View Full Version : New Receiver - HELP

10-09-15, 09:34

I am looking for a new receiver and would like some help deciding which one. The options i need are similar options to my TM Twin.

Twin Tuner
RF built in as i watch TV in other rooms and already have this on TM Twin and works well.

Your help is appreciated.


10-09-15, 10:34
Err I think you need another tm twin, I don't know any Linux boxes that have modulated rf output.

abu baniaz
10-09-15, 15:52
You might be better off buying a modulator separately if you pipe RF signal to several TVs.


john doe
10-09-15, 17:05
solo2 or et8000 depending on budget. or if you have a bit more money et10000. my solo does a good job.

10-09-15, 17:52
solo2 for me every time & I've got 2 of them:cool: