View Full Version : VU+ DUO Tuners Died

09-09-15, 15:17
My Duo has been playing up for a couple of weeks, with certain channels being pixelated intermittently and when scanning the satellite only detecting around 500 channels. I had been running Blackhole 2.1.7 so thought I might try a new image and flashed VIX Hades (latest build) scanned and had 800 channels found so some improvement I thought. Additionally the box had been freezing randomly, it did this both with Blackhole and the VIX images, freeze with no response to the remote requiring a power off and restart.

Finally today it froze and would not tune to any channel, I did a satellite signal check on both tuners and neither would lock, I disconnected the hard drive to check if it was possible a power supply issue, with no change. Powered off and unplugged for an hour, tried again and no change so I guess it finally died.

abu baniaz
09-09-15, 15:20
Maybe LNB/cabling are at fault.

Can you test at a friend's/relative's place?

09-09-15, 17:06
Update, fixed it after a trawl of the forums, looked through a few post re the Red light problem and found where someone had changed C807 but also C848. I found a PDF of the circuit and found that C819 could also possibly be causing the problem, so changed both C848 & C819 with 1000microfarad 25v (originals were 10V).

Tested and now get all channels with signal lock on both tuners 85 - 90% SNR.

Positions as shown in attached44600

Yes I also have additional fan over the processor fitted.

01-10-15, 01:29
Hi, I've got this problem by switching the channels I can get two capacitors