View Full Version : advice on new boxes???

08-09-15, 10:45
Hi all, my father in law and his friend are after buying a new box each, I already have a vu solo2, which I purchased of world of sat and is a bloody marvalous box!!
They are swaying to buying one of these each as they know i can easily set them up and all should be happy days,
My question is...is there another/newer box I should be advising to keep them up to date? thx for any input :cool:

08-09-15, 10:48
Hi all, my father in law and his friend are after buying a new box each, I already have a vu solo2, which I purchased of world of sat and is a bloody marvalous box!!
They are swaying to buying one of these each as they know i can easily set them up and all should be happy days,
My question is...is there another/newer box I should be advising to keep them up to date? thx for any input :cool:

Depends on what you need from a new box?

08-09-15, 11:01
Well they currently have spider boxes which I personally think are pants!!! Then they have seen my box and like the epg..recording facility..and a few other things I cant discuss on here:) Its one of them things when your telling someone to spend a few hundred quid, I was just being cautious to whether there was something similar that might be more future proof? I know its a crystal ball thing,

08-09-15, 14:04
Well they currently have spider boxes which I personally think are pants!!! Then they have seen my box and like the epg..recording facility..and a few other things I cant discuss on here:) Its one of them things when your telling someone to spend a few hundred quid, I was just being cautious to whether there was something similar that might be more future proof? I know its a crystal ball thing,

Well is it only satellite you need or cable aswell?

08-09-15, 14:40
No cable, theyre both on motorised setups,

08-09-15, 15:00
i also use a genuine solo2,but I've just done an install with a technomate nano 2t super with a 320gb hdd installed & vix...the customer was very happy i paid approx £140 for the box & the hdd was a spare.

08-09-15, 15:02
Stick with the Vu+ Solo2, wouldn't touch technomate's with a barge pole.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-09-15, 15:11
would you say the vu+uno offers the same as the solo2, obviously they would need an external drive for recording and EPG storage

08-09-15, 15:13
would you say the vu+uno offers the same as the solo2, obviously they would need an external drive for recording and EPG storage

The Vu+ Uno is very dated and very slow in comparison. Vu+ Solo2 every time. Great receiver.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk