View Full Version : Newbie advice please on a reciever with browser

31-08-15, 12:04
Hi all, complete novice here so please bare with me. I have read on this forum that perhaps the Amiko might not be the best receiver out there, but I am looking for a receiver that will allow me to enter access codes over the internet. let me explain a little better/clearer - I have a mobile home in france, I have tv set up via my sat dish and tried a very cheapo receiver to access a wider range of programmes. due to the way the campsite distributes its internet signal, I need to be able to enter the password etc when I set it up on wifi. so I need a box that would allow me to do this - I tried sharing my internet connection with a sharing programme via my laptop and for one second it flashed up on the screen, BUT then it disconnected me from the internet and I had to get the provider to reset my code etc. it appears their set up detects any internet sharing programme - so that's a none starter. he advised me that I need a receiver with the potential to access via a web browser, which led me to the Amiko 3 (or alien as its a twin tuner)

so, can anyone advise on what might be a reasonable receiver to use, I don't need to play around with it, no need for whistles and whirly gigs, just plain old tv reception. thanks (especially to those who made it to the end !!!) LOL

31-08-15, 12:38
Cheaper to buy one of these wifi devices that you link to the Internet connection (I am assuming you have a WiFi connection, but there are devices that will attach to an internet port) and then it provides a WiFi link to all your devices. That way your laptop etc can all share. I use a HooToo Tripmate Wireless N150 portable router (also includes storage but there are others without)

31-08-15, 12:45
thanks, but the way the system is set up wont allow me to use any sort of hub/router - I can use a wifi booster to increase the signal but I cant share the signal - and I need to be able to input the camp site access code into the receiver. I am limited to a maximum of two devices, though ONLY one at any time. if more than one it detects them then and kicks the other device off the network. I don't have a phone line hard wired to allow me to set up my own internet access either !!1