View Full Version : automatic scan enhancement

29-08-15, 17:01
Folks, wonder if it is possible to do an automatic service scan in the background. Since the duo has two tuners is there any reason why one can be used for the service scan while the other can be used for watching TV. This would be similar to how crossepg works with one tuner used for program guide download while the other is used for watching TV. Thanks

29-08-15, 17:47
is there any reason why one can be used for the service scan while the other can be used for watching TV.No reason why not. This is what we do in ABM. But implementing it would mean losing inter-image code compatibility.

29-08-15, 18:31
Can you explain the inter image compatibility issue. Thanks

29-08-15, 19:49
Well all teams merge interesting code from each others GiTs. If you make changes like the one you are suggesting that makes merging code from other images a lot more difficult or impossible. Anyway why would you lock your box up with an auto scan while you are trying to watch TV. Wouldn't it make more sense to start the scan just before going to bed.

29-08-15, 20:14
As a good example BT sports is changing frequencies on a regular basis at the moment as they sort out their channel lineup into the future. On that basis rescans are a regular thing. Yes I get you that scanning before I hit the sack is a logical thing. But at that stage its sack time. So if you wouldn't consider the change I suggest maybe you might consider the idea of a 4am service searching automatic update as with crossepg?

abu baniaz
29-08-15, 20:20
Why don't you run ABM without making the bouquets?
Enable the not indexed option so that you get all channels. What takes several minutes to do will be done in a seconds. Without affecting your viewing if a tuner is free.

29-08-15, 22:13
Because I like my bouquets as they are. I like to be able to setup my own channels and not have a tool define what I watch

29-08-15, 23:10
That is why Abu said bouquet creation set to no. That performs a full 28E scan in less than 30 seconds.

And if you use your own config files you can create absolutely anything.

30-08-15, 00:23
That is why Abu said bouquet creation set to no. That performs a full 28E scan in less than 30 seconds.

And if you use your own config files you can create absolutely anything.
Thanks guys. Wasn't aware. Will give this a go tomorrow