View Full Version : Will a new VU+ DUO box help stop glitching

27-08-15, 09:52
Hello everyone. I hope I have posted this in the right section

I am currently running a TM Twin every now and then (becoming more frequent) the screen freezes. If I change the channel up one then down again it the picture returns to normal. Also sometimes if I leave it the audio comes back but the image remains frozen.

I was thinking to purchase the VU+ Duo for its transcoding capabilities, but was wondering if the improved CPU performance over the TM Twin would alleviate the freezing issue

Any Thoughts?


27-08-15, 09:58
You are breaking forum rules.

27-08-15, 10:09
Apologies, edited. I hope this is within the guidelines

27-08-15, 13:21
No way to know without first finding out what is the cause of your "freezing" but as it appears to be CS related then no it won't help at all and that's as far as you will get help here with CS related issues.