View Full Version : softcam check error

20-08-15, 17:31
hi uploaded latest vix image lots of channels missing this softcam check error keeps popping up help please any 1 near Newcastle that can come and have a look vu duo pm please

20-08-15, 18:03
Which softcam? Have you ran ABM, what version of vix, Hades 18?

20-08-15, 18:16
latest version of vix trouble loading c cam and mg cam I think that's y its popping up been on 2 days now trying to repair error like

20-08-15, 18:26
Maybe having both installed in making them conflict. Uninstall them both from plugins, re-install which one you want to use and see if that helps, is auto start enabled?

As for your missing channels ensure ABM is configured correctly and rescan

20-08-15, 19:49
thanks but already tried just have to keep trying ouch lol

20-08-15, 22:06
If you have a look at softcam manager you can turn error messages off. Obviously this does not solve the problem. I myself have had this error and can't remember how a fixed it now as it was a while back. Search softcam check error in the search box on here. Sure there is other posts