View Full Version : How to use a vpn on a vu duo ?

16-08-15, 00:05
hi anyone,hoping for advice on using a vpn on my vu duo,can it be done?and if so which plug ins do I need?and how do I do it?basic knowledge of box and image but not a clue on vpn's Please help thanks

16-08-15, 00:10
VPNs should really be terminated at point of entry, your router, not a box on the network. Especially not an E2 box.

16-08-15, 02:23
VPNs should really be terminated at point of entry, your router, not a box on the network.
Not to be a dick Judge, but where did you get this? Connections in should be authentication at point of entry, but that does not mean they should be done by a router.;. (or an E2 box)

Saying that, having OpenVPN running on your home E2 box is probably more secure than what a lot of small businesses use in the UK

16-08-15, 11:31
I have always run my VPN on my devices. My son had a router that he run his VPN on but it slowed down his whole network and his attached devices.
I just run it on the devices I want at the time I need it.
Just my opinion.

16-08-15, 11:42
To set up your VPN you need to download your configuration files from your provider.
On your duo go to your network settings on your box and download openvpn setup
Open the config files on your PC. You should have 2 files called ca.crt and crl.pem FTP these files to etc/openvpn on your box.
Next from you provider files you will have all the areas you want to connect to. These will be named example us east.ovpn.
Choose the area you want to connect to and change the file name to client.conf. Ftp this to etc/openvpn.
Go back to your box. Setup/system/network/openVPN setup. Start open VPN Press start. and press autostart if you want to start it automatic when box is on.

19-08-15, 19:45
thanks for the replies guys,i perhaps should have given more details,im hoping a vpn would allow me more access to tsmedia content,would it and if so what would be my best way, was presuming openvpn on my duo was my only option any help appreciated jayhttp://www.world-of-satellite.com/images/smilies/confused1.gif

20-08-15, 20:33
Maybe check http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?40693-VPN-Using-Private-Internet-Access&highlight=private+vpn
it really depends on the VPN provider you are using.
I think everyone (me) assumed you wanted to use your box as a VPN server :)