View Full Version : Vu+Duo2 as Server / Vu+Zero Client

3 DollarBill
15-08-15, 23:53

I currently have Sky+HD in the main room with a regular Sky Box in the second room. I am looking at replacing the Sky+HD box with the Vu+ Duo2 and setting this up a server to the second box Vu+ Zero.

Can I remove the viewing card from the Sky+HD box and use this in the Vu+Duo2 and still be able to receive Sky Sports HD channels on the Vu+ Duo2. I read that Sky have paired their HD boxes with the viewing card to prevent people from doing this. How do I know if my Sky+HD box uses this level of encryption.


16-08-15, 01:03
you wont get hd with the card in the duo2

3 DollarBill
16-08-15, 17:42
you wont get hd with the card in the duo2

Thanks Rossi, I assume that I can still receive the Sky Sports SD channels with the card in the Duo2?

16-08-15, 22:08
You won't get Sky Sports SD either - your card will be paired as it has been in an official Sky box recently.

3 DollarBill
17-08-15, 00:07
You won't get Sky Sports SD either - your card will be paired as it has been in an official Sky box recently.

Would it possible to use the viewing card from the regular Sky Box or am I completely missing something here. Excuse my ignorance.

17-08-15, 13:24
Yes you can use the card from your regular Sky box, but it will only clear non-premium channels like Sky1 and similar channels.

You will still get over 50 SD channels, but no Sky Sports or Sky movies.

3 DollarBill
18-08-15, 22:22
Can I achieve this through using OScam/CCcam with the card? Sorry for all the questions!

18-08-15, 22:37
Can I achieve this through using OScam/CCcam with the card? Sorry for all the questions!
Yes, any channels that you can clear on your main/server box will clear on your client box.

19-08-15, 14:02
I suggest you start with CCcam and get that working. It is much easier to set up as a local server/client than OScam.

If later you want to try out OScam as a server (that is to your OWN VU+ Zero in the same location) you may need to come back here to ask for information on how to do it.