View Full Version : Can I Stream movies stored on apple Time Capsule or Mac

14-08-15, 16:07
I have had my VU+ duo 2 for a couple of days now. (thanks to W.O.S for their prompt service)
Very pleased and impressed with the box. Picture quality on my UHD Tv is fantastic
I have worked out most of the workings of the box thanks to this forum.
The one thing I can't find out is whether I can stream movies that I have stored on my Apple time capsule or Mac.

I am running the latest Vix image.

Many thanks

15-08-15, 21:03
I have managed to network mount both TC and Mac using cifs as the mount type. Both got the green tick to show its mounted.

What is my next step to access my TC or Mac so I can play films.? Media player showing the mounts in the directory but no files showing,


17-08-15, 13:22
Is this request for help above in the correct forum.? I know its quite technical so do I need to move it somewhere else?

20-08-15, 12:18
I'll keep trying. I'm sure someone will know eventually.:confused:

20-08-15, 15:37
You are sure it's mounting OK? I'm unable able to mount an Apple share on my box, when I try to access it through media player it says the folder is not available. If I manually try via ssh, I get

mount.cifs -o guest,sec=ntlmssp // /hdd/apple
mount error(13): Permission denied but if I run
smbclient // -U guest I can view the files.
The box mounted another SAMBA share without a problem, just not the Apple one, very strange, I'll have more of a play when I get some time.

20-08-15, 16:11
IF the places are mounted correctly, press your recordings button, when you get a list of recordings (or not if you haven't made any) press the yellow button to change location, you should now be able to browse to your mounted location.

20-08-15, 22:00
Thanks DaMac
Ive done this and the mount is showing when I press the yellow button and change location. When I press ok on the mount it gives an error message.
"Directory/media/autofs/mac/does not exist"
Mac is the name of the mount by the way.

20-08-15, 22:45
I got the "Directory/media/autofs/mac/does not exist" too, i think it's an authentication issue, If I get time I'll look into it.

26-08-15, 10:43
Just seeing if anyone out there has an answer to this problem above ?

27-08-15, 23:02
Finally got my iMac share to mount on my STB.
On the Mac (using Yosemite) you need to go to Settings / Sharing and then make sure 'File Sharing' is ticked, then click Options and
Under 'Windows File Sharing' tick the user you want to have access and give them a password (this assigns a password stored in a less secure way)

On the STB go to Menu -> Setup -> System -> Network -> Mounts setup -> Mount Manager -> Add new network mount point
and set it as in the Picture, obviously changing username and sharename to your own, the main change I made here was to add vers=3.0 to the mount options.
**Please don't share my highly secure password or the fact that I appear to be watching Big Brother** ;)

Once added I can then press the movie button and then Location (yellow button) and access my iMac, I don't know if the time capsule has the option of allowing 'Windows File Sharing' or storing password in a less secure way, as I don't have one, but good luck.

27-08-15, 23:17
I don't know if the time capsule has the option of allowing 'Windows File Sharing' or storing password in a less secure way, as I don't have one, but good luck.
Wouldn't NFS be more suitable for sharing between OSX & E2?

27-08-15, 23:22
NFS definitely seems like the best option, but it's not something I've used before and I didn't see a place where to set a username/password?
When i manually tried to mount my OSX share using NFS, it just seemed to hang, but as i said I didn't use a username/password.

28-08-15, 10:44
Cheers ArowonA

Got my Mac to mount no problem. But when I press location yellow button and then Ok on my mac mount I still get the error message "Directory/media/autofs/mac/does not exist"
I bet its something small I have to change for it to work but can't work it out. Dam!

28-08-15, 11:21
Did you add vers=3.0 to the mount options like in the screenshot above? because without that you will get the error you are getting.
You also get that error with a wrong username/password and if you don't tick the 'Enable Windows File Sharing' on the Mac.

28-08-15, 11:39
It has to be my user name and password then. I'm using the username and password of Mac

28-08-15, 11:42
I had a problem with my username having a space in it.
I think Judge's suggestion on using NFS would be better, from what I can tell you just need to create a file called /etc/exports on OSX with the share information, I'll have a play this weekend.

28-08-15, 11:59
Ive managed to mount my mac using NFS share no problem. Still getting the error message though

28-08-15, 13:19
What do you class as 'no problem'?

You can add a mount from the network browser and it will give it a green tick but it doesn't actually try to mount it until you access it from the location menu, then if it fails to mount for any reason you get the error you are getting. The steps I gave in my post with the picture all need doing, if you skip one it will fail to mount.

The NFS shares (i think) show as a blue container in the network browser, so if you tried to mount a green one (CIFS) and just changed Mount Type, you will get the green tick but when you try and use it you'll get the error above.

28-08-15, 14:11
Just set it up using NFS and it's a lot easier, don't need to bother with username/passwords.
You can follow the instructions here
http://www.behanna.org/osx/nfs/howto1.html just the first section, assuming you're using Snow Leopard or later.

28-08-15, 14:19
Cheers mate. Will try it later when I get back from work.

28-08-15, 19:19
What do you class as 'no problem'?

You can add a mount from the network browser and it will give it a green tick but it doesn't actually try to mount it until you access it from the location menu, then if it fails to mount for any reason you get the error you are getting. The steps I gave in my post with the picture all need doing, if you skip one it will fail to mount.

The NFS shares (i think) show as a blue container in the network browser, so if you tried to mount a green one (CIFS) and just changed Mount Type, you will get the green tick but when you try and use it you'll get the error above.

What I meant is I have setup the mounts no problem and got the green ticks for both NFS and CIFS and both containers lit blue and green.
Anyway Ive tried using the terminal commands from the link you posted but they are giving me error messages.
Thanks for keep trying to help.

01-09-15, 20:50
I'm sure someone will know the answer to this. I'll keep trying.

03-09-15, 15:20
I'm happy to continue trying to help but you have to understand how unhelpful posting something like this is

Anyway Ive tried using the terminal commands from the link you posted but they are giving me error messages.
Thanks for keep trying to help.
I then need to ask which commands gave errors, what errors you got, etc... Help me help you :)

I will try and make setting NFS as simple as possible.

The following instructions assume your mac has an IP address of, and you want to share the /Users folder - please change as appropriate, also realise that setting NFS up this way is not really secure as anyone on your local network would be able to access you mac shares (I assume you trust the people using your network, you could also change it so it only allows access from the IP address of your box but I won't confuse things anymore)

On the mac

in a terminal windows run (the first command will require you to enter your password, change to your local network range)

sudo nfsd disable
sudo sh -c "echo '/Users -network -mask -maproot=root' > /etc/exports"
sudo nfsd enable

This will create the share and start NFS, for some reason I can't get the network browse option to show the share so you need to configure it manualy... so

On your STB

Go to Menu / Setup / System / Network / Mount Setup / Mount Manager / Add new network mount point
And create using the following settings

Mount using: AUTOFS
Active: Enable
Local share name: Users (can be anything you want)
Mount type: NFS share
Server IP: (Change to your mac's IP address)
Server share: Users
Use as HDD replacement: no
Mount options rw,nolock,tcp
Save and away you go... :thumbsup:

03-09-15, 19:01

I didn't mean it to be an unhelpful comment. I was just a bit weary that day.

Anyway. Thanks for this info. I'm going to give another go and will get back to you.

07-09-15, 19:25
Followed the instructions to the letter.(Changed ip range and folder to reflect mine)
Still get that dammed error message "Directory/media/autofs/mac/does not exist"


07-09-15, 21:08
Well that's a pisser, on the mac can you try running
showmount -e to see if you get your nfs share listed.
If it returns nothing could you paste the output of
cat /etc/exports

I can try my instructions on another mac/network and cleanly flashed box tomorrow to see if I've missed something.

08-09-15, 10:15
I tried my instructions on another Mac and with a different box and it worked fine, so I'm not sure why it's not working for you.