View Full Version : epg problem

18-12-10, 13:22
im using the vix image, but when i click on epg there isnt info for every channel utill u zap the channel,how do i fix this problem

18-12-10, 17:55
Go for OpenPli - I never had epg problems.

18-12-10, 19:53

I also happen to have EPG problems. I am new to all of this and couldn't find the proper search terms to see if this has already been answered in this forum.

I am on VTI 2.2 and some channels have no EPG at all. Others have only the current event and the next. I want to see a 7-day guide or at least 5-day. Any pointers or guides please? I have 3 fixed dishes @ 13e, 7w and 26e.

18-12-10, 20:19
Have you enabled the EPG sources, if you only see now and next sounds like you have not. Blue button, than vix and than crossepg - configure with source and you will have 7 day EPG on almost all channels

18-12-10, 21:25
I kind of get it now. There was a problem with my setup. Crossepg was not working. I uninstalled it, rebooted, reinstalled it (crossepg 1.6oe) and rebooted. I now have a plug in called Crossepg where I can enable/disable various sources. I tried one of the sources and it worked fine.

Now one more question: Any sources for ALL services on 7w, 13e and 26e? 7w and 13e are the most important to me.