View Full Version : what boxs are as good or better than zgemma 2s

09-08-15, 18:30
hello all

im struggling too get my hands on the zgemma 2s as the place i normaly buy from keeps saying out of stock ...!

what is a good dual tunner alternative for the same money and works good with vix

thanks all for your time ...

09-08-15, 19:06



john doe
09-08-15, 19:08
zgemma are clone receivers and therefore not supported here. try the sponsor website and you will get a much better box for a bit money - you may want to look at this http://www.world-of-satellite.co.uk/Digital-Satellite-Receivers/golden-interstar-receivers/Golden-Interstar-Xpeed-LX2-2x-DVB-S-S2-Twin-Satellite-Tuner-Enigma-2-Linux-HD

for £159 et8000, which is a very good box for price, the more you pay the better it gets

09-08-15, 19:27
I would go for the Vu+ Solo2.

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09-08-15, 19:42
I would go for the Vu+ Solo2.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Its a :thumbsup: from me.

I got one from the sponsor about 2 weeks ago great receiver if you don't need a cable or terrestrial tuner.

11-12-15, 12:49
zgemma are clone receivers and therefore not supported here. try the sponsor website and you will get a much better box for a bit money - you may want to look at this http://www.world-of-satellite.co.uk/Digital-Satellite-Receivers/golden-interstar-receivers/Golden-Interstar-Xpeed-LX2-2x-DVB-S-S2-Twin-Satellite-Tuner-Enigma-2-Linux-HD

for £159 et8000, which is a very good box for price, the more you pay the better it gets

I've done quite a bit of reading, from what I understand the cloud ibox was a clone of the xpeed, is that correct?

I was just wondering what is it specifically that makes a box a clone? Obviously they don't look the same/have the same name, is it something to do with the hardware? Or is it the fact that they patch the vix image?

11-12-15, 12:58
There are 2 types of clones. One is a copy of the original which people try to sell as original equipment. And one is a copy that is sold under a different brand name.

Both are built using stolen designs, usually from substandard parts, and architecture that may not be compatible with future firmware and drivers, which is why we do not support them here.

11-12-15, 13:22
Thanks for your reply.

I understand the first scenario (this is the easier of the two to get your head around). Obviously the first situation is a trademark infringement...illegal, I get that.

Hopefully you can help me with the second scenario as at the moment I can't get my head around it. Obviously they're not trying to sell it under the brand name so there's no trademark infringement and unless the designs are patented, are they not allowed to copy the design and sell it under a different brand?

I completely understand your point about substandard parts, but as they're using a different brand name, this doesn't affect the brand. I also understand that patching images infringes on the trademark of the image, obviously illegal but surely that doesn't make the box a clone?

I've read a lot about this, trying to get my head around it. Please excuse my ignorance if I'm missing something obvious, but a lot of people claim the boxes are illegal and I can't seem to work out why.

Thanks again

11-12-15, 13:52
For a start apart from the design being stolen (I dont know why you dont understand that it is illegal to do so) the boxes are not tested and approved to be sold in the EU (or anywhere else). They are generally shoddy and a fire hazard. The software that runs on them is also generally stolen. Also forget aftersales, warranties etc on these crap. Save your money and buy something decent from a supplier that stands over what they sell.

Mr. Mister
11-12-15, 14:01
In short.. Zgemma are the shite on your shoe.. !!!!

11-12-15, 14:21
Thanks again for the replies. Let me just clarify, I'm not contemplating buying one, I'm just trying to understand why they are considered clones.

I understand that it's illegal to steal the design, in a sense that if you directly copy a circuit board, then you breach intellectual property (if the design's copyrighted). However reverse engineering a circuit board to perform the same tack isn't illegal, unless the function is patent protected.

That's why I asked if its hardware related, do you open one of these up and they are exactly the same as some other receiver inside?

All of your other points, I would agree are unethical and don't produce a good product, but they also don't make the product a clone.

It seems that 'clone' is just thrown around as a description of what is perceived as a sub standard product? Unless like I said, it is literally the same board inside?

11-12-15, 14:31
Simply the manufacturers of the zgemma (who are the same manufacturers of the cloud I box branded clones) maintain that the zgemma is not a clone but 100 percent their own work, A claim that i strongly refute.

To produce a 100 percent original e2 based receiver takes hundreds of thousands of pounds minimum in both hardware / software development and licences etc. Zgemma have none of these, the simply used their existing factories already producing clones to make these new boxes and claim them to be genuine, supported boxes.

The zgemma came onto the market instantly from no where with the manufacturers stating that they were no longer making clones but here is their new box.

They are generally made from poor / inferior parts and have not been certified with any kind of safety tests nor carry any form of legally binding warranty and they tend to develop serious hardware failures on a frighteningly regular basis. They are a very real risk to life and property (just check out the recent rash of cloned hoverboards in the news for examples of poor Chinese clone electronics and their safety ratings for proof of that)

yes they have official support from ATV and a few other well known clone supporters but thats where it ends, no one else supports these boxes regardless of the images you find out there or the claims you see on the various zgemma support forums.

No one can stop you from purchasing one of these boxes but if you do you take the risk of killing your family in your own hands and you will never get any kind of support for such boxes here and the same applies to ALL cloned / counterfeit receivers regardless of who makes them.

11-12-15, 14:38
This is a exact quote from one of the so called official zgemma forums where a user tried to tell others of the lengths to which the manufacturers of these boxes will go to to save a few quid.

I have recently ordered a Zgemma Star H2 direct from the manufacturer and have discovered that the 13A plug and fuse are both counterfeit and very dangerous. The fuse does not contain silica and could explode if it was ever to blow. In this case however, the fuse carrier is not even connected inside the 13A plug so the fuse will never blow - even if you remove the fuse completely, the unit will still be live. In addition the earth pin (which admittedly isn't used as it is a double insulated power supply) is partially insulated. Genuine BS1363 plugs should never have a partially insulated pin, only the shorter two pins should be partially insulated. The pins are also incorrectly sized.

In the UK, socket outlets are usually on a 32A ring final circuit (ring main) and in the event of a fault within the Zgemma power supply, the 0.75mm conductors within this cable will catch fire long before the circuit disconnects at the DB (fuse board).

I would urge all zgemma owners to check, and if need be replace, the 13A plug to C7 (figure of 8) mains cable on their box for a genuine and safe replacement cable to avoid the risk of fire and/or loss of life.

I am happy to assist anyone who needs assistance in checking their cable or sourcing a suitable replacement.

I can confirm I have made the manufacturer aware (Shenzhen Air Digital Technology Co., Ltd) and am currently awaiting a further response. I will update this thread accordingly if and when I receive further communication from them.


If they cant even supply a real and safe power lead think of what other corners they are cutting along they way.

11-12-15, 15:17
Ok thanks for the all the info :)

11-12-15, 15:18
I would have thought that Trading Standards would block the sale of these products if they are breaking laws?
Certainly if they have safety issues like the plugs, they are not saleable?

11-12-15, 15:34
I would have thought that Trading Standards would block the sale of these products if they are breaking laws?
Certainly if they have safety issues like the plugs, they are not saleable?

trading standards are a joke.

11-12-15, 18:06
I would have thought that Trading Standards would block the sale of these products if they are breaking laws?
Certainly if they have safety issues like the plugs, they are not saleable?

It was mentioned before about the seizure of the hover boards which didn't comply to UK regulations on items with rechargeable power supply, all the boxes had the 'ce' and 'fc' certifications on them yet they was sooo dangerous, for every container of dodgy electrical stuff that gets pulled, imagine how many get through.
It makes you wonder if they are actually intended as incendiary devices like Frankie Boyle would say, Phase II.

11-12-15, 18:57

Not sure what you don't understand. Theft of someone elses designs, whether patented or not, is not morally right.

11-12-15, 20:28

Not sure what you don't understand. Theft of someone elses designs, whether patented or not, is not morally right.
In the western world thats absolutely correct, but in Asia, especially China its more like praise.... After all why copy bad ideas?
Their perspective is different ... When you look at some of the "cloned" Apple shops in China they are "perfect copies" ... From reports I have read, even sometimes the staff think they work for Apple:)

Whats wrong is not only the Asian outfits that produce these products but the fraudsters that knowingly sell them on to unsuspecting users ....

12-12-15, 00:06
One classic definition of a "Clone" must be the Omega wrist watch, it has been in circulation for decades with the present clones being within a whisker of accuracy and practically undistinguishable from the real thing.

12-12-15, 09:06
One classic definition of a "Clone" must be the Omega wrist watch, it has been in circulation for decades with the present clones being within a whisker of accuracy and practically undistinguishable from the real thing.
Not really, they have put a lot into their products to make them a brand of choice ..... Its the counterfeit poor quality copies that are the clones.

12-12-15, 13:18

Not sure what you don't understand. Theft of someone elses designs, whether patented or not, is not morally right.

Yes I completely agree. But morality and law are two different things!

25-07-16, 09:26
trading standards are a joke.

bit like our local council. when litter louts were dumping bags of rubbish on the river bank they sent us local folk a letter saying we could be prosecuted.
Nothing to do with boxes but ....

Buy genuine and support the developer. You will always pay more but it will always have good support.

25-07-16, 16:18
I can concur with everything that has been said in this thread. I do occasionally buy things off ebay to use for a few weeks and then to sell on later. I have upto now purchased two Zgemma receivers to take on holiday to France with me rather than remove my other receivers from their setups, one was a Zgemma 2S and the other was a Zgemma H.2S.

The first S2 model didn't make it out of the box. The PSU that had been sold with this receiver wasn't the correct type and didn't even match the amperage stated on the box, so that went back the same day. As i paid with PayPal and my Mastercard there was no issues getting my money back.

I then opted for a H2S. That arrived and all went well for about an hour when the receiver froze, and upon resetting the power button i was greeted with a solitary red light on the front. The receiver also didn't smell too good either. When it cooled down it rebooted and ran for about 2 minutes before freezing again. I got my money back on that one two after arguing with the seller who was convinced it failed because i had put VIX on it, unbeleivable! It came with openATV on it which is what was still on it when it failed.

Zgemma receivers are utter sh*te, end of story.

In the end i got hold of a second hand Venton Unibox from a friend in Germany for £50, not the best most upto date box in the world granted, but at least i know it wont catch fire and its been great for taking on holiday. I now use it in the bedroom, the HDD has also been great for watching AVI files on :thumbsup:

If you want a crap box that smells and will probably catch fire burning your house down killing your family , pets, and probably your neighbours then knock yourself out and get a Zgemma box :D

25-07-16, 22:01
Could not have said it better my self buddy. Zgemma are pure shite and worse still shite that could end up costing you your life.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

26-07-16, 00:07
one of the reasons people buy them is cheap,no quality or safety built in :confused:then try to mod it up with everything,skins picons timeshift etc:smash:sorry to say think wos do a better product and i can sleep safely at night:thumbsup:

15-07-17, 14:05
Well I would prefer only zgemma 2s because I don't find anything similar to it.

15-07-17, 14:08
Well I would prefer only zgemma 2s because I don't find anything similar to it.
I don't think anyone will argue with that! :)

15-07-17, 14:09
Well I would prefer only zgemma 2s because I don't find anything similar to it.

By similar, do you mean unsafe and likely to kill you? You're right there's nothing quite like it on the market.

15-07-17, 14:39
Well I would prefer only zgemma 2s because I don't find anything similar to it.

You didn't research very much then.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

15-07-17, 18:47
So do all these non clone box manufacturers pay a license fee to somebody to make them legit?
Just curious but who owns this license, or who gets paid?

15-07-17, 18:56
Its nothing to do with a license - original manufacturers develop their own hardware - clone manufacturers reverse engineer someone elses work (ie steal). Also software development needs to be done (drivers) - clone manufacturers avoid this too. When bugs in the drivers need to be fixed who does that? zgemma???

15-07-17, 19:01
And on another more serious note - none of that clone shite comes through proper channels conforming to any standards and is totally illegal to sell in Europe (and probably most other countries). Anyone selling it is a scumbag.

16-07-17, 06:07
WoS sells receivers to suit all price ranges, from low to high costs. You might save say £10 on a Zgemma, but what support will you get exactly?