View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] Channel numbers on multi EPG

08-08-15, 23:53
I am runing OpenVix Hades -18

Is there a way to get the channel numbers displayed on the Multi Graphical EPG (when pressing the EPG button on the remote)

09-08-15, 08:52
If you mean channel numbers to the left of the channel name then you will need to use AutoBouquet 28.2 from the plugin feeds rather than built-in AutoBouquetMaker.

The Vix team have previously said they will not code the ABM so that it has channel numbers next to the name i'm afraid although it does seem a popular request.

09-08-15, 09:58
The Vix team have previously said they will not code the ABM so that it has channel numbers next to the name i'm afraid although it does seem a popular request.
Where, when? You do realise ABM uses channel names & works with multiple providers?

09-08-15, 10:28
Having numbers in EPG will just cluster it up more. If people want that option, then they can use Autobouquets E2 28.2.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-08-15, 10:40
Where, when? You do realise ABM uses channel names & works with multiple providers?It was a little while ago now. I was told something along lines of (if I remember correctly) because this feature isn't naturally available via the way the abm receives it's data without some kind of hack.

I'm aware that AB 28.2 gets around this by adding channel number to beginning of channel name so whenever channel name is displayed, the channel number also is.

I also realise because you support multiple providers and the fact you can't have same channel number twice, it would be difficult for you to implement whereas obviously AB 28.2 only scans 28.2 so doesn't have to worry about this problem.

09-08-15, 20:02
I've just installed AutoBouquet 28.2 and can now see the channel numbers.

Thanks for all the replies :thumbsup: