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View Full Version : SNP Picons not showing for recordings

07-08-15, 09:02

I'm not getting a picon shown on my LCD screen for recordings, picons are there for the infobar and in the movie list but for some reason don't make it to the lcd screen - can anybody help?

Running hades 018 on a Duo2.


Here is my LCD4Linux settings and screengrabs:


19-08-15, 13:17
No one else have this problem?

19-08-15, 13:55
I will take a look. We have adapted LCD4Linux a few weeks ago so that it should support SNP but perhaps we forgot 1 or 2 places in the plugin.


19-08-15, 16:19
are you sure it is working? It is called cover not picon and cover might be a local jpeg inside the movie directory with the same name as the recording.


02-10-15, 21:23
still getting this issue on 3.2 007 - cover works for non box recordings but for box recordings you only get the picon in the info bar.

02-10-15, 22:22
again cover is not picon.


04-10-15, 15:25
Yes - I have tried picon, is there another place to set it?:


Isn't a recording classed as media? because there is a setting for getting a picon:


04-10-15, 15:33
If I click the "global" radial button then the "on" radial button it comes on! but only lasts until I change recorded program then back to black screen :(


04-10-15, 18:39
what I mean is that no picons are shown during playback only cover.


04-10-15, 18:57
before the SNP change they were definitely shown, do you mean they are now not shown?

abu baniaz
04-10-15, 19:11
If you cannot wait for the person who did the SNP coding to also add it for the recordings, please feel free to do it yourself and submit the changes so everyone can benefit. Alternatively, use the conventional picons.

04-10-15, 19:55
change the record abu - i'm not criticising or demanding a immediate fix, I just don't understand the response Trial gave.

@Trial - are you saying that recordings only show covers because of the SNP change?

abu baniaz
04-10-15, 20:03
Don't address staff member like that. If you have an issue with my response, speak to Admin.

You are confuisng things. Why are we discusuing covers when the issue is picons?

Has SNP code broken a previous feature or has SNP not yet been added to the feature?
Easiest way is to load convetional picpns and check. If the conventional picons show, then what was said in post 3 applies.

04-10-15, 21:00
I'm not trying to confuse things, the reason we are talking about cover is because of posts #4 and #9 - I was asking if there had been a change in the functionality and now only cover would be shown, I'm still not clear but you basically jumped in and told me to fix it or be quiet, which isn't really helpful....

abu baniaz
04-10-15, 21:23
You came across as you were demanding an immediate fix.This was the reason for my post. From your recent post, you have clarified this was not the case. So sorry for the misunderstanding.

sometimes, some changes have undesired/unexpected results and some issues are not detected during testing. Sometimes, changes are made to some files and others are unwittingly omitted, as mentioned in post 3. if you can be so kind as to check if the old style picons show for recordings, it would be appreciated

05-10-15, 05:43
I took a look and this might be the problem:

ref = open(sreffile+".meta", "r").readline().strip()
if rr[-1] != ":":
picon = str(rr.replace(":", "_")[:-1]) + ".png"
cover = os.path.join(LCD4linux.PiconPath.value,picon)

here the reference is taken out of the meta file but I found no easy way to get the name.

I now have to go to france but perhaps take a further look at it at the weekend.


05-10-15, 07:20
I'm also away for the week, but if I get chance - I'll take a look remotely.
Shouldn't be too difficult to resolve based on the above code trial found in combination with the previous change to enable SNP.

06-10-15, 06:22
here is the log - it looks like it's using the old service refs for the picon rather than SNP:

06:16:19 creating LCD-Picture
06:16:19 Service 1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:/media/hdd/movie/20151003 2022 - BBC One HD - Doctor Who.ts
06:16:19 Service alt 1:0:19:5208:812:2:11A0000:0:0:0::ITV London HD
06:16:19 Service changed
06:16:19 detected Video
06:16:19 BilderOrt ['', '', '']
06:16:19 Title Doctor Who
06:16:19 cover
06:16:19 isMediaPlayer record
06:16:19 Picon 1_0_19_1B1D_802_2_11A0000_0_0_0.png
06:16:19 Thread already running.....
06:16:19 Cover /picon/1_0_19_1B1D_802_2_11A0000_0_0_0.png
06:16:19 Push: 0.276 (0/0/0) Wait: 0.000
06:16:19 writing to Vu+ LCD
06:16:19 RunTime: 0.362 (Picture: 0.292 / Write: 0.071)
06:16:19 Done Worker Pic 0
06:16:24 Update...Qlen= 0
06:16:24 UpdateTime: 0.00970697402954
06:16:26 Key 108 0
06:16:26 Key 108 1
06:16:28 Key 352 0
06:16:28 Key 352 1
06:16:29 Update...Qlen= 0
06:16:29 Data-Build
06:16:29 UpdateTime: 0.018618106842
06:16:29 Event Service Change
06:16:29 Audio activ 1 AC3
06:16:29 Service EPG
06:16:29 Service Change Time: 0.0407869815826
06:16:29 Run Worker Pic 0
06:16:29 creating LCD-Picture
06:16:29 Service 1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:/media/hdd/movie/20151003 2022 - BBC One HD - Doctor Who.ts
06:16:29 Service alt 1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:/media/hdd/movie/20151003 2022 - BBC One HD - Doctor Who.ts
06:16:29 Title Doctor Who
06:16:29 cover
06:16:29 isMediaPlayer record
06:16:29 Picon 1_0_19_1B1D_802_2_11A0000_0_0_0.png
06:16:29 Cover /picon/1_0_19_1B1D_802_2_11A0000_0_0_0.png
06:16:30 Push: 0.128 (0/0/0) Wait: 0.000
06:16:30 writing to Vu+ LCD
06:16:30 RunTime: 0.193 (Picture: 0.137 / Write: 0.056)
06:16:30 Done Worker Pic 0
06:16:34 Update...Qlen= 0
06:16:34 UpdateTime: 0.00967216491699
06:16:39 Update...Qlen= 0
06:16:39 Data-Build
06:16:39 UpdateTime: 0.0170800685883
06:16:39 Event Service Change
06:16:39 Audio activ 1 AC3
06:16:39 Service EPG
06:16:39 Service Change Time: 0.0288329124451
06:16:39 Run Worker Pic 0
06:16:39 creating LCD-Picture
06:16:39 Service 1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:/media/hdd/movie/20151003 2022 - BBC One HD - Doctor Who.ts
06:16:39 Service alt 1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:/media/hdd/movie/20151003 2022 - BBC One HD - Doctor Who.ts
06:16:39 Title Doctor Who
06:16:39 cover
06:16:39 isMediaPlayer record
06:16:39 Picon 1_0_19_1B1D_802_2_11A0000_0_0_0.png
06:16:39 Cover /picon/1_0_19_1B1D_802_2_11A0000_0_0_0.png
06:16:40 Push: 0.116 (0/0/0) Wait: 0.000
06:16:40 writing to Vu+ LCD
06:16:40 RunTime: 0.193 (Picture: 0.125 / Write: 0.068)
06:16:40 Done Worker Pic 0
06:16:44 Update...Qlen= 0
06:16:44 UpdateTime: 0.00940585136414
06:16:49 Update...Qlen= 0
06:16:49 Data-Build
06:16:49 UpdateTime: 0.0180270671844
06:16:49 Event Service Change
06:16:49 Audio activ 1 AC3
06:16:49 Service EPG
06:16:49 Service Change Time: 0.0288200378418
06:16:49 Run Worker Pic 0
06:16:49 creating LCD-Picture
06:16:49 Service 1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:/media/hdd/movie/20151003 2022 - BBC One HD - Doctor Who.ts
06:16:49 Service alt 1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:/media/hdd/movie/20151003 2022 - BBC One HD - Doctor Who.ts
06:16:49 Title Doctor Who
06:16:49 cover
06:16:49 isMediaPlayer record
06:16:49 Picon 1_0_19_1B1D_802_2_11A0000_0_0_0.png
06:16:49 Cover /picon/1_0_19_1B1D_802_2_11A0000_0_0_0.png
06:16:50 Push: 0.119 (0/0/0) Wait: 0.000
06:16:50 writing to Vu+ LCD
06:16:50 RunTime: 0.180 (Picture: 0.127 / Write: 0.053)
06:16:50 Done Worker Pic 0
06:16:54 Update...Qlen= 0
06:16:54 UpdateTime: 0.00977802276611

06-10-15, 17:35
I already wrote this in #16.


26-10-15, 23:21
please try the attached plugin.py and test it also with cover for films. I had to make a little change because my snp could not be dithered.

Make a backup of the original plugin.py in case there is a problem so that you can easily restore the original.


28-10-15, 22:42
Cheers Trial - tested with film and tv recordings, works great! - sorry for the late response

29-10-15, 09:20
no problem it took me also some time to find the problem.


07-05-18, 16:18
Just reviving this thread - I updated to 5.1.026 and I have the same issue of picons not showing on recorded items - any chance someone could look at the previous fix that Trial posted, LCD4Linux seems to have added a lot more functionality since this fix and I don't want to break anything - thanks