View Full Version : EPG Download Problems

29-07-15, 21:49
Problems downloading Rytec EPG data

Moved post to here as no replies where I originally posted. I hope that breaks no rules!!

Hi Guys At the point of pulling out what little hair I have!! I have had problems since moving to Hades with downloading my epg data. The box crashes and I am forced to power off even though I leave the download over night. I know frequently powering down is not a good thing!! I am using Rytec HMLTV bundles. (UK, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Italy etc..) I have tried reinstalling the image (using existing settings), deleting the EPG.dat file and building the list one by one. I thought I had found and answer when I downloaded each bundle individually. (Press yellow button with the country highlighted). Today I added Rytec New Caledoinian HMLTV and the system crashed again when downloading that one. Am I doing something stupid? I have looked at the different posts but cannot find an answer. Any help is appreciated.

See below for my setup and equipment.

abu baniaz
30-07-15, 01:26
Where are you saving your EPG?
what receiver are you using?
Have you got any logs?

05-08-15, 10:41
Thanks for your post. Box is Vu+ Ultimo (bought from W-of-Sat). I save the EPG to a USB memory stick, there is plenty of free space. I have reformatted the USB and then remounted to see if that helped. I looked for crash logs but couldn't find any, next time I will look again. Apologies for the delay replying but I have been away. Regards

05-08-15, 11:31
Have you enabled debug logs ? (it's off by default i think)
menu>set up>system>logs>settings

05-08-15, 14:18
Just checked and was disabled, must be following new install!! I have enabled now and will copy log when next stall happens. A quick question, if I have to manually power off will it create a log file? Thanks again.