View Full Version : Missing /media/hdd

27-07-15, 15:24

I have, now, numerous times, set my swap system and epg settings to use my usb disk plugged in the back. All runs nicely until I reboot the system then all disappears so I have to set it all up again.

Anyway after the umpteenth millionth time of doing so I decided to fix this once and for all, updating the system didn't help.

Here is what I did.

1) SSH to the box
2) umount /dev/sda (just incase it was mounted somewhere, your stick maybe different /sdb/etc)
3) sfdisk /dev/sda -uM << EOF <enter> ,120 <enter> ,120, <enter> ; <enter> EOF <enter> this creates 3 partitions 2 of 120 and one of 10MB (my stick is only a 250MB one)
5) cd /dev ; ls and check for SDA1 and SDA2, if they're not there step back to 3)
5a) mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1
6) mkswap /dev/sda2 (makes a swap system)
7) add '/dev/sda2 none swap sw 0 0' to /etc/fstab (starts swap on boot)
8) add '/dev/sda1 /home/root/hdd auto 0 0' to /etc/fstab (mounts the filesystem for epg) ****
9) reboot
10) <type> mount <enter> and check that /dev/sda1 is mounted
11) configure epg to use the /home/root/hdd folder

and all should be good.

**** I moved away from /media/hdd as i noticed that after being online for 30 seconds or so the /media/hdd folder would disappear nothing in the log file to indicate why etc.

Now, when I reboot my epg comes back and my swap file is auto started. For the first time since I've had the gigablue hd800 se its working as it should.

I hope this may help some of you. Certainly got on my wick