View Full Version : Hades updated but issue with hdd

12-07-15, 16:41
Hi all

Updated my vu duo to hades and loaded confluence skin

Previously on red hd Apollo 166

Issue is although I have my epg and picons on USB often when I change boquet or channel my hard drive will start and there is lag before change? Doesn't always happen but it's like it's looking for something on the hard drive?

Any ideas could it be the duo can't support hades and this skin?

Driving me nuts so any help appreciated

12-07-15, 22:19
Is there a picon folder on your HDD?

13-07-15, 08:52
no but set up 256 swap file and installed cache flush - so far so good, only instance of hdd firing up eas when used history zap.

all seems ok

14-07-15, 14:35
Update 2 - still occasionally doing it, anyone removed hard drive and just used a large USB instead

abu baniaz
14-07-15, 14:53
Debug logs would be ideal

14-07-15, 15:30
ok found and turned on

15-07-15, 18:12
Debug logs would be ideal

Ok sent this but not sure where it went??????

16-07-15, 07:59
debug log

17-07-15, 07:52
sent two logs- any joy

abu baniaz
17-07-15, 12:46
Can you post a screenshot of your mount manager please? Blue > Vix > Mount Manager

Can you also telnet the following command and post output.

df -h

17-07-15, 13:08
Try setting the location for your timeshift in Setup-->System-->Timeshift Settings to /media/usb/timeshift/ (if you create a timeshift folder on the USB) or just /media/usb/ and see if it persists..

I had this issue previously on a Duo and the only solution I could find to prevent the random Vix spiinners was to change this setting..

18-07-15, 13:53
Can you post a screenshot of your mount manager please? Blue > Vix > Mount Manager

Can you also telnet the following command and post output.

df -h


See attach43799ed43799

18-07-15, 13:54
Try setting the location for your timeshift in Setup-->System-->Timeshift Settings to /media/usb/timeshift/ (if you create a timeshift folder on the USB) or just /media/usb/ and see if it persists..

I had this issue previously on a Duo and the only solution I could find to prevent the random Vix spiinners was to change this setting..

Tried but won't allow me to change it?

18-07-15, 14:07
Can you post a screenshot of your mount manager please? Blue > Vix > Mount Manager

Can you also telnet the following command and post output.

df -h

Not sure how to telnet commands?

abu baniaz
18-07-15, 14:11
No need for teh tlnet command now, your screenshot is fine. There is a guide in my signature if you are curious.

Have you got timeshift to start automatically or installed the PTS plugin?

18-07-15, 14:17
No need for teh tlnet command now, your screenshot is fine. There is a guide in my signature if you are curious.

Have you got timeshift to start automatically or installed the PTS plugin?

automatically start timeshift after is set to disabled and no pts plug in

18-07-15, 14:19
I have sent all logs if that helps ref 1437225477.46

abu baniaz
18-07-15, 14:22
You are better off attaching logs to post. Its a chore logging in to the server to retrieve the logs.

18-07-15, 14:24
JUST FTP TO box and dates look weird?

18-07-15, 14:37

see attached logs

20-07-15, 20:09
ok guess I will have to live with it or go back to Apollo and a different skin

abu baniaz
21-07-15, 00:15
ok guess I will have to live with it or go back to Apollo and a different skin
Try one thing at a time. I'm guessing the 1080 skin/piocn is extra load on receiver. Hence need for the swap file.

02-08-15, 17:58
occasional hdd kicks in but to be honest its liveable

04-08-15, 18:59
Quick update as I have time on my hands - box now spot on no hdd issues

Confluence on Hades 018 with the latest MK picons and have to say a job well done by all contributors it looks perfect on my DUO