View Full Version : Help me stream to my tablet when im on holiday Via VU app!!

11-07-15, 18:37
Hi guys im having a little trouble and need some guidance.

Im off on holiday in a month and i want to be able to control my box when im abroad so i can watch f1 boxing etc and be able to set recordings.
I can easily access my box when im on the same wifi network in the home but as soon as i go to my friends or over 4g i cannot connect to my box.

Can someone help me out or point me in the right direction to a guide which will help me ??


11-07-15, 19:20
Install OPEN webif on your receiver, run it and take a note of the port it's using (I'd change the default port)
Forward this port in your router to your receiver
Either take a note of your external IP address or sort out DDNS
Configure VU App with these details

11-07-15, 19:30
Install OPEN webif on your receiver, run it and take a note of the port it's using (I'd change the default port)
Forward this port in your router to your receiver
Either take a note of your external IP address or sort out DDNS
Configure VU App with these details
Please don't, your box will be found & used by others at some stage.
Have a look at VPN solutions.

11-07-15, 19:41
easiest way it to buy a router with VPN capabilities.

Alternative, If you don't want to do this, you could look to setup SSH (with certificates for added security) and use connectbot or similar to connect to SSH with port forwards to the E2 box/openwebif ports.

12-07-15, 13:20
Please don't, your box will be found & used by others at some stage.
Have a look at VPN solutions.

I dont want that happening so dont wanna do it that way.

12-07-15, 13:21
easiest way it to buy a router with VPN capabilities.

Alternative, If you don't want to do this, you could look to setup SSH (with certificates for added security) and use connectbot or similar to connect to SSH with port forwards to the E2 box/openwebif ports.

Its only for when i go away this year so i dont want to be buying a new router, i have never heard of SSH so im gonna have to do some research i guess.

12-07-15, 15:26
I've just posted this, but read carefully, backup and try to understand it before you attempt anything!

12-07-15, 16:46
thanx man will check that out :thumbsup:

12-07-15, 17:12
I've just landed back from holiday mate, and let me tell you you may be wasting your time, I set out armed with my bag of toys... No wired connection in room (had taken a travel router with me), but they had free wi-fi... wireless was painfully slow, good signal just seriously slow, struggled to load web pages with it, last but not least, decent 3G signal, but seriously throttled, could connect to my devices both at home and in the cloud but the chances of actually streaming anything was nil.

12-07-15, 23:01
Even if i can connect to my box to just record i would be happy lol

13-07-15, 00:00
I have a PPTP VPN set up on my router and transcoding set to 3Mbits, streaming seems to work a treat on 3g/4g & friends wireless..

13-07-15, 06:05
I have a PPTP VPN set up on my router and transcoding set to 3Mbits, streaming seems to work a treat on 3g/4g & friends wireless..

I've connected home quite a few times via an openvpn vpn (and previously SSH) and also had good success in various hotels across Europe during my travels! I guess it just depends on the quality of the wifi at the hotel.

03-04-16, 19:19
i have a vpn setup on my ddwrt router, how do i use this for access to the box?

13-04-16, 16:13
I use a draytek router setup vpn and a firewall rule job done.
But as previous comments its only as good as the connection you've got when using it out of the local network.....:amen: